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ROGER S. MCINTYRE & D. S. CHA & J. K. SOCZYNSKA - Cognition in Major Depressive Disorder.

Oxford University Press, 2014.. een verkenning van de GGZ-praktijk in algemene en academische ziekenhuizen 92 p., tabells, bibliogr., index SOFTCOVER: (Orig. paperb. AS NEW) ¶ provides a succinct summary of cognitive deficits reported in This rare and sought after study deals with patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) with a particular focus on aspects of measurement, underlying disease pathophysiology, implications for treatment and prevention. This book also provides readers an opportunity for clinical-based assessment of cognition and recommendations for how cognitive measurement and treatment is positioned in the management of individuals with mood disorders.
EUR 46.61 [Appr.: US$ 51.59 | £UK 39.5 | JP¥ 7375] Book number 12058

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