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COLVIN, MAGGIE - Decorating Tricks: Touches of Style

London, Hamlyn. 1998, First Edition. (ISBN: 0600594238) Hardcover, 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall. Book, There are more than 40 decorating ideas in this book that are grouped in chapters which indicates how long each project takes to make. Choose to make a lampshade from photocopied music in around an hour or spend a weekend on a complete bathroom makeover. A variety of techniques - stencilling, paint finishes, trompe l'oeil, and decoupage - are clearly explained, and are accompanied by colour photographs and illustrations throughout. Tips on flower arranging and ideas for door and window treatments, as well as examples of fool-proof colour schemes are included. As New/As New.
GBP 8.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.5] Boeknummer 14666

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