MARTIN-JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER & GIBSON, PAT - Summers Will Never Be the Same: Tribute to Brian JohnstonLondon, Partridge. 1994, Reprint. (ISBN: 1852252324) Hardcover, 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Book, Brian Johnston, who died in January 1994, was one of the best-loved figures on radio. His unique broadcasting style won him a special place in the hearts of listeners everywhere. Although "Johnners" became known as the voice of cricket, he was also a national figure as the presenter of Down Your Way. His many other broadcasting credits include presenting for television the Queen's Coronation and the Boat Race. Most of all, Johnners will be remembered for his schoolboy humour. Some browning to page edges. Good/Very Good. GBP 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.25 US$ 7.55 | JP¥ 1150] Book number 14231is offered by:
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