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Salmasius, Claudius - Defensio regia pro Carolo I. ad Sereniss. Magnae Britanniae Regem Carolum II, filium natu majorem heredem & successorem legitimum

Sumptibus Regiis, 1649. (= Amsterdam, Janssonius). 444 pp. 12°. Cont. vellum w. overl. sides. Text in Latin. The defense of Charles I of England published anonymously in the year of his execution (1649), written by the indefatigable polemist and Leiden professor Salmasius. This edition appeared in the same year as the Elzevier edition. With the bookplate of S.J. Robitsch, a design by K. Roovers. Robitsch was the librarian of the Dutch Parliament.
EUR 247.50 | CHF 232.5] N°. du livre 952580

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