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(Friedr. Krupp). - Afleiding en gebruik der formules en Tabellen. Met vergunning der firma Friedr. Krupp overgenomen uit: Die Berechnung der Schusstafeln seitens der Gussstahlfabrik Fried. Krupp, 1895.

Zwolle, De Erven Tijl, Artillerie-Schietschool, 1898. Soft cover. Three parts in one volume. Duodecimo. Pp. 27; 52; 20. Original printed cloth wrappers, bit shabby. In good condition, very good interior. ~ First Dutch edition, translated from the German. Very rare. 005-6 .
EUR 40.00 [Appr.: US$ 42.31 | £UK 33.5 | JP¥ 6337] Book number 9999_02458

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Librarium of The Hague
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