Allardi, Christiani (Christiaan Allardus). - Oratio de summa mentis voluptate, ex ipso artis sanandi usu haurienda.Leeuwarden (Leovardiae), D. v.d. Sluis, (1797). Soft cover. Crown quarto. Pp. 61. Bound in marbled wrappers, spine worn and reinforced with paper; bid dog-eared, lacks first blank. Clean, wide margined copy, printed on laid paper. In a very good internal condition. ~ First and only edition. Rare. Christiaan Allardi (1747-1822). The inaguration took place on November 15th, 1797. 006-5 . EUR 220.00 [Appr.: US$ 241.4 | £UK 184.5 | JP¥ 35867] Book number 5449is offered by:
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