(Parke-Bernet Galleries). - Collectors' Arms and Armor of European & Oriental Origin from the John Wigington Collection. Public Auction Sale By Order of the Present Owners David Hollander an Robert S. Hoffman, October 3 & 4, 1951 (Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York).New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1951. Soft cover. Royal octavo. Pp. 63. Illustrated. Original printed wrappers. In a very good condition. Fine, crisp interior. ~ Listing 366 lots of fine selection of pistols; XVI-XIX Century swords; guns; rifles; carbines; crossbows; oriental edged weapons; firearms; accessories; miniature suits of armor; model cannon. 009-6 . EUR 40.00 | CHF 38] N°. du livre 4681vous est proposé par:
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