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[Brunings, Peter Frederik]. - [Dutch Military Uniforms] Inlandsche en Afrikaansche Troepen (caption title). [ORIGINAL CHROMOLITHOGRAPH PRINT].

's-Gravenhage, Ewings, ca. 1880. Print. Original single-sheet chromolithograph of exceptionally fine quality. Overall size 24 x 16.5 cm, printed on heavy paper. Bearing at foot the legend "Inlandsche en Afrikaansche Troepen". Fine. - - Beautiful and exquisitely produced chromolithographic plate from "Onze Krijgsmacht", P. F. Brunings' highly acclaimed work. A lovely plate with dense colours and excellent gloss, beautifully heightened in gold. An authoritative manual on chromolithography in 1885 (Colour and Colour Printing, by W. D. Richmond) asserts the need for at least nine separate stones to achieve such richness, but in fact the number of stones used was often more than twenty. The plate is in its original state; one margin is yet untrimmed, with the original stab-holes. First and only edition of Brunings' hallmark series of Dutch military uniforms of the 2nd half of the 19th century. (Lipperheide 2260; Colas 464). SOLD .
EUR 30.00 [Appr.: US$ 31.39 | £UK 25 | JP¥ 4794] Book number 1966

is offered by:

Librarium of The Hague
Concordia, Hoge Zand, The Hague, Dennevlam 23, 2403HV Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)172-785985

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