Bellangé, Hippolyte. - [Histoire de l'Empereur Napoléon] "Chevau-Léger (Francais), 1812" (caption title). [Collection des types de tous les corps et des uniformes militaires de la République et de l'Empire.] [ORIGINAL HAND-COLOURED PRINT].Paris, (Jean Jacques) Dubochet, 1844. Print. Original single-sheet, hand-coloured print of fine quality. Overall size 24.5 x 16.5 cm, printed on heavy paper with ample margins. Bearing at foot the legend "Chevau-Léger (Francais), 1812". Fine (occasional very light spotting). - - Write for a full list of these prints. - - Beautiful, exquisitely produced print from a highly acclaimed work, Bellangé's hallmark series of Napoleonic military uniforms. It is rich in fine details and delicately hand-coloured by contemporary hand. Preserved in acid-free, pH-balanced archival paper. Colas 287. Glasser p. 59/60. E-4 OUT 0566 . EUR 75.00 [Appr.: US$ 78.42 | £UK 63.5 | JP¥ 12179] Book number 1617is offered by:
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