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JOZEF IJSEWIJN & JACQUES PAQUET (EDS.) - The universities in the late Middle Ages

Leuven, at the University Press, 1978, -. large octavo, papercovers. 661 pp. No images. ISBN/EAN: 9061860555. Conditie: Very Good, covers good. Not a library book. ao: E. J. M. van Eijl: The foundation of the University of Louvain. - A. L. Gabriel: Intellectual relations between the University of Louvain and the University of Paris in the 15th century - V. Bullough: Achievement, professionalization, and the university - G. F. Lytle: The social origins of Oxford students in the late middle ages: New College, c. 1380 - c. 1510 - A. Vetulani: Les origines et le sort des universités de l'Europe centrale et orientale fondées au cours du XIVe siècle - L. Boehm: Humanistische bildungsbewegung und mittelalterliche Universitätsverfassung: Aspekte zur frühzeitlichen Reformgeschichte der deutschen Universitäten
EUR 50.00 [Appr.: US$ 51.45 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8032] Book number 9061860555

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