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- Bahia de Lourenço Marques. Questão entre Portugal e a Gran-Bretanha sujeita á arbitragem do Presidente da Republica franceza. Memoria apresentada pelo governo portuguez. [Segunda Memoria do governo portuguez. (Replica á memoria Ingleza.)

Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1874, 59 pages, FIRST and ONLY EDITION. 1 volume. Folio (34.7 x 22.5 cm.), original violet (first volume) printed wrapper (major defects). Portuguese royal arms on front wrapper and title page. 4 folding maps (3 in colour, maps loose from bloc). In 1861 Navy Captain Bickford had declared Inhaca and Elephant islands in Delagoa Bay (or Lourenço Marques Bay, now Maputo Bay) British territory. Portuguese authorities in Lisbon strongly protested. In 1872 the dispute was submitted to the arbitration of Adolphe Thiers, the French president; and on 19 April 1875 his successor, Marshal MacMahon, declared in favor of the Portuguese. These are the documents submitted by the Portuguese government to support their claims.
EUR 172.50 [Appr.: US$ 189.43 | £UK 144.5 | JP¥ 28173] Book number 64668

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