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- Centsprent: Het Metalen Kruis. No. 6.

Het Metalen Kruis (metal cross), a badge awarded to those who participated in the Ten Days' Campaign against the Belgian Revolution (Belgische Opstand), with around it a ribbon and dice, and at the bottom left another smaller metal cross. Accompanied by a description explaining the rules to a dice game. The winner receives the title ‘Ridder van het Metalen Kruis’ (Knight of the Metal Cross).Rotterdam, T.J. Wijnhoven-Hendriksen (1819 - 1849); address mentioned on the print: ‘Te Rotterdam, bij T.J. Wijnhoven Hendriksen, Boek- en Plaatdrukker op de Hoogstraat’; numbered ‘No. 6’.l 2 woodcut illustrations on handmade paper; hand coloured in blue and orange; under the image a text in letterpress; total: 405 x 335 mm; mounted on cardboard, paper in good condition, except small restoration with tape on the verso.De Meyer pp. 343, 539, Boerma p. 839 (Wijnhoven 6). CP034
EUR 201.25 [Appr.: US$ 221 | £UK 168.5 | JP¥ 32869] Book number 63235

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