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- Centsprent: Zes Fab’len, lieve jeugd, word’u hier voorgesteld ... No. 45.

Catchpenny print. Children’s print with 6 moralising and pedagogical fables, teaching children lessons in gratitude, prudence, and understanding that unfortunate events can be a blessing in disguise. Amsterdam, P.C.L. van Staden (c. 1850 – c. 1870); numbered ‘No. 45.’ in upper right corner.l 6 woodcut illustrations (each ca 85 x 105 mm) on paper; hand coloured with yellow, red and blue; under each image a 4-line verse; total: 375 x 295 mm; folded twice.De Meyer p. 296, Boerma p. 821 (Staden 45).
EUR 51.75 [Appr.: US$ 56.83 | £UK 43.5 | JP¥ 8452] Book number 63202

is offered by:

Antiquariaat Goltzius
Heereweg 341A, 2161 BL Lisse, The Netherlands

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