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Hall, Van M.C; Altheer, Johannes - Cantate, ter gelegenheid van het tweede eeuwfeest der Utrechtse Hoogeschool, Utrecht, Joh. Altheer 1836.

Rough outline: Cantate for the occasion of second century jubilee of the College of Higher Education in Utrecht. Written by M.C. van Hall (original title: Cantate, ter gelegenheid van het tweede eeuwfeest der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool).l Measurements: 256 x 137 mmCondition: Age-related discolouration.
EUR 86.25 [Appr.: US$ 94.72 | £UK 72.25 | JP¥ 14087] Book number 62079

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Antiquariaat Goltzius
Heereweg 341A, 2161 BL Lisse, The Netherlands

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