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Greenaway, Kate - Under the window, Pictures & rhymes for children. By Kate Greenaway. Engraved and printed by Edmund Evans. London, Frederick Warne & Co. , n. d. [ca. 1910].

Hardcover with green linen spine and cardboard front and back. The boards edges are worn. The book is overall in good condition. The printed colours are of lower quality than in the (1878) Routledge edition. 19 x 24 cm, 1-64 pp. With wood engravings by Edmund Evans, after illustrations by Kate Greenaway. l The front is decorated with a monochrome illustration of children walking around the dark-green title emblem. Each page consists of a rhyme and matching illustration. After she studied art at Islington, Kate Greenaway (1846-1901) came to work for the prin
EUR 69.00 [Appr.: US$ 75.77 | £UK 58 | JP¥ 11269] Book number 43867

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Antiquariaat Goltzius
Heereweg 341A, 2161 BL Lisse, The Netherlands

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