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Vogt, Evon Z. and Ethel M. Albert, edited by, - People of Rimrock: a study of values in five cultures.

Cambridge, MA, Harvard Univ Press, 1967. G hb. Much underlining and written coments by the reader. New Mexico Navaho reservation the Zuni Indian pueblo the Spanish American. village of Rimrock selected as the sie of the Values Study research. Mankind's historical experience, the "incredible laziness" of the academic world in America. the Comparative Study of values in Five Cultures Project of the Laboratory of Social Relations. The late Clyde Kluckhhohn had been doing field work among Navahos since 1936 and the area provided contrasting cultures for comparative study Many comments along sides of pages by a former reader. Includes notes and index at the end.
USD 14.00 [Appr.: EURO 13.75 | £UK 11.5 | JP¥ 2120] Book number BOOKS056051I

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