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Keppel, George, - Contemporary Dates: French painters (1400-1900) and their times: an aid to memory.

London, Hatchards, nd (ca 1933). G PB. Laid in genealogies of the Kings of France and Maisons Royales et Princieres issues d'Hugues Capet. Opens in the reign of. Charles VII because then painters such as Fonquet and Froment first began to make portraits of real people and pictures of everyday life. Prior to this the artistic output had been almost entirely confined to religious paintings, illuminations and illustrations of Bibles and Missals for Church. Life and work of every French painter up to the end of the 19th century plus contemporary history showing the social and political conditions under which these artists dwelt and worked. Grey cardboard cover, tanned & wear on edges.
USD 55.00 [Appr.: EURO 53 | £UK 44.75 | JP¥ 8572] Book number BOOKS051572I

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