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Swanson, W. E., Master Shipfitter, - Modern Shipfitter's Handbook.

NY, Cornell Maritime Press, 1940. Fair. Laid in diagram of midship section showing frames, floors and deck beam construction, many pull-out diagrams. Photos of. SS America, photo of America showing superstructure nearing completion, stern where brackets are welded to the rudder to hold working stages, photos of its main deck, etc. Photo of oxygen breathing apparatus on a man who is also carrying a flame safety lamp, 3 photos of someone being given artificial respiration, tables of weight of flat rolled steel and ship building bulb angles, many other detailed diagrams of shipbuilding. Dark stain toward center of book. Brown flexible covers, gilt lettering rubbed, owner initial on ft flyleaf.
USD 22.00 [Appr.: EURO 20.25 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3272] Book number BOOKS050526I

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Crabtree's Collection Old Books
703 Bridgton Road, Sebago, Maine, ME 04029, USA Tel.: +1 (207) 787-2730

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