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Farrow, Joanna, - Gingerbread: 24 inspirational houses and decorative gifts to make.

NY, Lorenz Books, (1997). 1st ptg. VG. One of the most ancient spices, ginger has been traded across the world for centuries esp as a flavoring for cakes & cookies. The decorative value of baking gingerbread. In medieval Europe when fairs were widely enjoyed, gingerbread was sold in pretty shapes, often gilded and studded with spices, fairs became known as Gingerbread Fairs and fairgoers would buy gingerbread for gifts or "fairings". Owner inscription ft endpaper.
USD 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 11 | £UK 9.25 | JP¥ 1682] Book number BOOKS050213I

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