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ANDERSON, DAVID - Understanding Flight

purple, McGraw-Hill Professional. 2001. (ISBN: 9780071363778). Paperback, 18.5 x 1.5 x 23.1 cm. Condition clean, small tear to cover. Explaining (most of) aeronautics in simple, intuitive terms, Understanding Flight limits the mathematics and derives the most important relationships of aeronautics in a presentation that will draw the interest, appreciation and admiration of the aviation community. Key Features: Provides keen grasp of physical flight Explains diverse aspects such as wing design, propulsion, and high-speed flight Tells how airplanes are constructed and perform. Used: Acceptable.
GBP 32.00 [Appr.: EURO 38.25 US$ 41.98 | JP¥ 6244] Book number 27487

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