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Bateman, Alan Mara and Morris M. Leighton (eds.) - Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists (Volume 55, December 1960, Number 8)

Lancaster (PA): The Economic Geology Publishing Company, 1960. paper bound in blue wraps, yapped edges, illustrated with diagrams, photos and maps, Pp 1591-1844 includes index and contents to Volume 55. Articles include Sulfur Isotope Investigation of Gold-Quartz Deposits of the Yellowknife District; Differences Between Barren and Productive Intrusive Porphyry; The Fe-As-S System Part II; Thorium, Uranium and Zirconium Concentrations in Bauxite; Sulfur Isotopes and Origin of Sulfide Deposits at Bathurst-Newcastle Area of New Brunswick; Ore Occurrences of Mississippi Valley Type in Equatorial Africa; Origin of Thucholite; Position of Salt-Water Body on Magothy Formation in Cedarhurst-Woodmere Area of Southwestern Nassau County, Long Island, NY; Comments Regarding the Blind River (Algoma) Uranium Ores and Their Origin; plus discussions and reviews. Yapped edges moderately torn else very good.
USD 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 13.75 | £UK 11.5 | JP¥ 2231] Book number 13797

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