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RONALD R. SCHMECK (ED.) - Learning Strategies and Learning Styles

New York, Plenum Press, 1988, 1st printing. large octavo 3.1 cm, Hardcover (cloth). 368 pp. No images. ISBN/EAN: 0306428601. Conditie: Very good, roestvlekkig op snee. Ronald Ray Schmeck: An introduction to strategies and styles of learning. Noel Entwistle: Motivational factors in students? approaches to learning. Ference Marton: Describing and improving learning. Gordon Pask: Learning strategies, teaching strategies, and conceptual or learning style. J. P. Das: Simultaneous-successive processing and planning: implications for school learning. Patricia McCarthy & Ronald Ray Schmeck: Students? self-concepts and the quality of learning in public schools and universities. Paul Ramsden: Context and strategy: Situational influences on learning. John Biggs: Approaches to learning and to essay writing. John R. Kirby: Style, strategy, and skill in reading. E. P. Torrance & Z. L. Rockenstein: Styles of thinking and creativity. Claire E. Weinstein: Assessment and training of student learning strategies. Ronald Ray Schmeck: Strategies and styles: An integration of varied perspectives..
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