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- Die Häkelarbeit - IV. Serie. Bibliothek D.M.C.

Mulhouse, Th. de Dillmont. Hardcover, Oblong (29x19 cm). Book, grey cardboard with white lettering. light green spine. Contents: Die Häkelarbeit - IV. Serie, 68, (4) pp. XI b/w plates (Tafeln) Broderies yougoslaves - IIme Série, XIX color plates (planches), 3 b/w plates, VII Fig. in text, 16, 2, (4) pp. Hardanger Arbeiten - IIte Serie, 25 b/w figs. in text, XXV b/w plates, 11, 2, (4) pp. Vorlagen für Stickereien (Vte Serie), 20 bmw figs. in text, XV color plates (Tafeln), Bausen zur Ausführung der auf den Tafeln I bis XV dargestellten Arbeiten on 15 sheets of transparent paper, 8, (4) pp. Added: Ricami diversi, Album Num. 4, Dolfuss-Mieg & C. Milano, 16 color plates. (rebound with new end papers). Fine.
EUR 65.00 [Appr.: US$ 71.62 | £UK 55 | JP¥ 10224] Book number 007116

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Antiquariaat Novemberland/Novemberland Rare Books
Prinsenlaan 23, 2341 KS Oegstgeest, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)6-18297344

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