Peterson, Roger Tory; Mountfort, Guy; Hollom, P. A. D. - Roger Tory Peterson Field Guide, Birds of Britain and EuropeNorwalk, Easton Press. 1985, First Thus. Full-Leather. Ill.: Roger Tory Peterson. Book, A square solid tight clean un-read copy. Dark blue full leather binding, sewn in silk marker, gold tipped text block, gold inlay. 50th Anniversary Edition. The above date is the only date associated with Easton Press so possibly this copy is part of the First release by this publisher. HIS COPY IS IN MY POSSESSION AND NORMALLY SHIPS NEXT DAY. Fine/None,As Issued. USD 34.50 [Appr.: EURO 31.75 | £UK 26.75 | JP¥ 5256] Book number 030585is offered by:
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