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Vishniak, M.; et al - Sovremennyia Zapiski. Ezhemiesiachnyi Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii I Literaturnyi Zhurnal (Contemporary Annals. Monthly Socio-Political and Literary Magazine)

Parizh (Paris), s. n. 1920. First Edition. First editions, twenty isues - I, II (1920), III, V, VI, VII, VIII (1921), IX, X (1922), XIII, XIV, XV, XVII (1923), XVIII, XIX (1924), XXV (1925), XXXV (1928), XXXVIII, XXXIX (1929), L (1932); beige wraps, printed and ruled in black; several of them partially unopened; condition varies, from fair (closed cuts to edges of wraps, spine cover perished, foxing) to very good or better condition, with minor aging and wear. A significant collection of issues, including the very first one, of one of the leading and most important literary and political journals of the Russian emigres in the early part of the 20th century. Although intended as a monthly publication, the journal came out several times a year, for a total of 70 issues, from 1920 until 1940. Co-edited by journalists, writers, and Socialist-Revolutionary members Mark Vishniak (1883 - 1977), Nikolai Avksentyev (1878 - 1943), Vadim Rudnev (1874 - 1940), Ilia Fondaminskii-Bunakov (1880 - 1942), and Aleksandr Gukovskii (1865 - 1925), it contained works of the most prominent Russian authors, poets, philosophers, and literary critics living in exile, many of which were featured in it for the very first time. The current issues included the first installment of Vladimir Nabokov's "Camera Obscura," the first appearance of Tolstoy's "Khozhdenie po mukam" (The Road to Calvary) almost in its entirety (missing five chapters from Vol. 4), poems by Marina Tsvetaeva, Zinaida Gippius, Konstantin Balmont, and Andrei Bely, works by Aleksandr Kerenskii, Georgii Adamovich, and others. Very good .
USD 3500.00 [Appr.: EURO 3187.25 | £UK 2668 | JP¥ 520546] Book number 002613

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