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Richard, Lionel - Phaidon encyclopedia of Expressionism. Painting and the Graphic Arts - Sculpture - Architecture - Literature - Drama - The Expressionist Stage - Cinema - Music.

Oxford, Phaidon, 1978, first ed., cloth, dustjacket, 8vo, 288 pp., 318 ills., practical reference book on the movement of expressionism in the historical, musical, literary and art historical context; detailed biographies of painters (also German, English and American); verycondition. . ISBN: 0714819131.
EUR 5.00 [Appr.: US$ 5.25 | £UK 4.25 | JP¥ 799] Book number 25536

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Pallas Books - Antiquarian Booksellers
Van 't Hoffstraat 33, 2313 SN Leiden, The Netherlands

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