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KNÖS (KNOES), TEODOR: - Bilder ur lifvet i Australien. Reseskildringar. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1875.

. Pp. (viii), 262. With frontispiece, extra illustrated title, 2 maps (on one plate) and 11 woodcut illustrations. Publisher's pictorial blue cloth, gilt, corners lightly rubbed. Slightly shaken. A narrtaive based on letters written by Knös when he travelled through New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.
EUR 130.00 [Appr.: US$ 142.76 | £UK 109 | JP¥ 21232] Book number 99354

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Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books (ILAB)
Sibyllegatan 50A, 114 43, Stockholm, Sweden Tel.: +46 (0)70 4411183
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