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[CATHOLIC PRESS IN BEYROUTH] - Three catalogues with works printed at the Catholic Mission Press. Bound together in one volume. Beyrouth, 1878, 1888 and 1904.

. The Catholic Press in Beirut, founded and operated by the Jesuit order, was transferred to the Université Saint-Joseph in 1875 and appears to have been active until about 1974. The Press published religious works, dictionaries, classicals and periodicals. Here a selection of works offered by the Press: 1. Catalogue de l'Imprimerie catholique des PP. missionaires de la compagnie de Jésus en Syrie. Beyrouth 1878. Pp. 11 French text and pp. (i), 13 with Arabic text. Original printed blue wrappers with bound. 2. Catalogue de l'Imprimerie catholique des PP. missionaires de la compagnie de Jésus en Syrie. Beyrouth 1888. Pp. 38 text in French and Arabic + 15 lvs "Spécimens des caractères". Includes front printed wrapper. 3. Catalogue Spécial de l'Imprimerie catholique à Beyrouth (Syrie). 1903-1904. Edition jubilaire. Beyrouth 1904. Pp. 67, iii, (3). Contains works printed in Arabic, French and Syriac. Original wrappers printed in colours.
EUR 2200.00 [Appr.: US$ 2429.85 | £UK 1855.25 | JP¥ 343049] Book number 121247

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