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DE BRUJN (BRUYN), CORNELIS: - Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse et aux Indes Orientales; ... on y a ajouté la route qu'a suivie M. Isbrants, ambassadeur de Moscovie, en traversant la Russie et la Tartarie pour se rendre à la Chine et quelques remarques contre M. Chardin et Kaempfer. Two volumes in one. Amsterdam, chez les Frères Wetstein, 1718.

. Folio. Pp. (viii), 252; (ii), 253-469. With titles printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece, three folding engraved maps, 273 engravings (numbered 1-262 and eleven unnumbered) and 44 engravings in the text. The beautiful illustrations depict impressive costumes, grand views (including two folding panoramas of Moscow and Isfahan), interesting flora and fauna, animals, monuments, antiquities, etc. Contemporary full calf, expertly restored, original spine preserved, covers ruled in gilt and spine richly decorated and lettered in gilt, marbled edges. First French edition, translated from the original Dutch published in 1714.Cornelis De Brujn born at the Hague in 1652 was a Dutch painter and traveller. He made his first journey in 1674 to the Levant where he stayed for seven years. This work is devoted to his second journey which took him to Russia, Persia, India, Ceylon and Indonesia. His account is devoted to the countries visited, their peoples and customs, culture and natural history. It is mainly recognised for the lovely illustrations made after his drawings. He visited the Samoyedic country, Moscow, Astrakhan, Siberia, Isfahan, Persepolis, Garmeroon, Cochin in India, and Batavia and Bantam in Indonesia. Of particular interest is De Brujn's description of the Samoyedic people, one of the earliest, and the account with illustrations of Persepolis. In addition he describes the journey by Everand Ysbrants Ides to China. A magnificent copy with excellent impression of the attractive engravings. Chadenat ii, 5085. Cohen-De Ricci p. 610. Lipperheide Kaa 6. Howgego B177.
EUR 8000.00 [Appr.: US$ 8683.67 | £UK 6753 | JP¥ 1334079] Book number 120966

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