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HEDIN, SVEN, etc.: - De vetenskapliga resultaten av våra expeditioner i Central Asien och Tibet 1927-1935. Särtryck ur Ymer 1935, häfte 4. Stockholm 1935.

. Pp. 289- 338. With one folding coloured map and illustrations in the text. Contains short reports about the scientific results of the Sino-Swedish expedition 1925-35 by various scientists who participated. (Offprint from Ymer). Contains: Geological report by Erik Norin, G. Bexell and Nils G. Hörner; topographical and astronomical by Nils Ambolt; meteorological by Waldemar Halde; botanical and zoological by David Hummel; ethnographical and religious historical by Gösta Montell; music and folklore by Henning Haslund-Christensen; archaeological by T.J. Arne.
EUR 200.00 [Appr.: US$ 210.35 | £UK 164.75 | JP¥ 32074] Book number 100301

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Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books (ILAB)
Sibyllegatan 50A, 114 43, Stockholm, Sweden Tel.: +46 (0)70 4411183
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