ROUGE, E. [EMMANUEL] DE, - Etude sur une stèle égyptienne appartenant à la Bibliothèque impériale. Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1858. 222 pp. With fold. plate. Hardcover. Contemp. half morocco. (Top of spine dam., spine a bit rubbed, lower part a bit darkened). Good. ¶ Bound with 3 articles by SAMUEL BIRCH: On the lost book of Chaeremon on hieroglyphics (35 pp., from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol. III, new series) + On the trilingual inscription at San (decree of Canopus), (47 pp. from vol. IX, new series) + Account of coffins and mummies discovered in Egypt on the occasion of the visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales in 1868-9 (29 pp., with fold. lithogr. plate). Also an article of VICTOR ANCESSI, Etudes de grammaire comparée: l'S causatif et le thème M dans les langues de Sem et de Cham (reproduction from manuscript, paged 53-147 (Paris, 1872).
EUR 160.00 [Appr.: US$ 166.04 | £UK 133.75 | JP¥ 25217] Book number 58937
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