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GALLONI, ANT. [GALLONIO, ANTONIO, GALLONIUS], - De S.S. Martyrum cruciatibus liber. Quo instrumenta & modi quibus ijdem martyres olim torquebantur, simul perspicuè descripta, & tabulis aeneis accuratissimè expressa sunt.

Antwerpen, Andreas Frisius, 1668. 16mo. (XXIII)+576+(47) pp. With engr. additional title, title vignet on printed title, 44 plts. (complete). Index. Hardcover. Early 19th century half calf, gilt spine with red title label, marbled boards & endpapers. (2 small labels on spine, cancellation stamp on verso endpaper, lib. number & old owner's inscription on 1st flyleaf). VG.
EUR 650.00 Boeknummer 58195

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