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MOSER, FRIDERICH CARL [VON], - Abhandlung von den europäischen Hof- und Staats-Sprachen.

FfM., Johann Benjamin Andreä, 1750. Small 8vo. (VIII)+432 pp. Hardcover. Contemp. paper over boards. (Spine & rear cover sl. rubbed; occas. foxing). VG. ¶ Provenance: bookplate on pastedown with printed text "Bibliotheck des Geh. R. u. C. &z. Carl Gerds v. Ketelhodt acquirirt zum allgemeinen Besten von Ludwig Friedrich Fürsten zu Schwarzburg Rud. 1804".
EUR 495.00 [Appr.: US$ 513.68 | £UK 413.5 | JP¥ 78014] Book number 58152

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Charbo's Antiquariaat
Leerdamhof 274, 1108 BZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)20 676 12 29
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