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PUTEANUS, ERYCE, FRANCQUART, JACQUES & GALLE, CORNEILLE, - Pompe funèbre du très-pieux et très puissant prince Albert, archiduc d'Autriche, duc de Bourgogne, de Brabant, &c., représentée au naturel en tailles douces, dessinées par Jacques Francquart et gravées par Corneille Galle. Avec une dissertation historique et morale d'Eryce Puteanus.

Bruxelles, Jean Leonard, 1729. (2nd ed.). Folio. 36+(4) text pp. + double-page engraved title (re-issued from the 1623 ed.), 5 fold. & 59 double page engraved plates (1 plt. depicting St. Gudule cathedral in Brussels, 2 plts. the monumental tomb, and the others the funeral procession with the float, numerous harnessed horses and 675 persons with with the banner of their countries, their names and positions, and an engraved table of heraldic tinctures (66 engraved plates in total). Text in Latin, Spanish, French, and Dutch. Hardcover. Recent plain vellum binding. (New endpapers; occas. light foxing, 1 plate in the rear sl. waterst. in lower outer corners, few tears in plts. closed; pages uncut with wide margins). VG. ¶ Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies, 70.
EUR 2750.00 [Appr.: US$ 2869.71 | £UK 2293.5 | JP¥ 441924] Book number 57975

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