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NEANDER, JOHANN, - Tabacologia: hoc est tabaci, seu nicotianae descriptio medico-chirurgico-pharmaceutica, vel ejus praeparatio et usus in omnibus ferme corporis humani in commodis.:

Leiden, Elsevier, 1626. (2nd ed., 1st appeared 1622). Small 4to. Title + (36)+257 (=255)+(3) pp. With engr. title, frontisp. (author's portrait), 9 plts. (incl. Moses van Uyttenbroeck Harvesting and curing of tobacco in native America, tobacco plants, pipes). Latin text with at the end a poem in Dutch by Joost van Ravelingen to the author's honour. Contemp. vellum over limp boards. (Small ink stain on rear cover; front endpaper/fly leaf missing, blank sides of title page & frontispiece pasted together, lower corner of 1st plate torn off, however not affecting plate itself; few old, 17th-century inscriptions. Else very good and well preserved copy).
EUR 1250.00 Boeknummer 43380

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