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ERBKAM, G. (ed.), - Zeitschrift für Bauwesen. Jahrg. XIV & XV.

Berlin, Ernst & Korn, 1864-1865. 24 issues in 8 vols. + 2 atlases. Folio (text vol.), large folio (atlases). 632+518 text columns on 575 pp. With 56 plts./ills. (partly fold.) in text vols. + 124 loose engr./lithogr. plates (partly fold., 1 chromolitho, 4 tinted lithogr.) in atlases. In 2 half cloth binders, loose as issued. (Binders a bit worn; part of the atlas plates sl. waterstained/browned in margins). Good. ¶ Heavy item, requires extra shipping costs for destinations outside EU.
EUR 350.00 [Appr.: US$ 361.54 | £UK 291.5 | JP¥ 54758] Book number 32973

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