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ED. BY I. CANEVA AND A. ROCCATI - Acta Nubica, Proceedings of the X International Conference of Nubian Studies, Rome 9-14 September 2002

Roma, Libreria dello Stato. 2006, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 8824013147). Soft cover, 29,5x21 cm. Book, ISBN: 88-240-1314-7 Description: softcover, 497 pages (21x29,5 cm), figs. Condition: new Weight: 1915g. Foreword - A. Roccati Welcome Address - J. Leclant Allocution - Hassan Hussein Idriss Abbreviations Settlement Habitats prehistoriques en Nubie entre le 8e et le 3e millenaire av. J.C.: l'exemple de la region de Kerma - M. Honegger Les etablissements des cultures Kerma - Ch. Bonnet Settlement in Nubia in the Medieval Period - D. Welsby Late hunter-gatherers of Central Sudan: land use and settlement pattern - I. Caneva and E. Santucci The macroscopic description of Eastern Desert ware (1935-2002) - H. Barnard When decoration made its way: the northern extent of Khartoum-styled pottery in the eastern Sahara - H. Riemer and F. Jesse A permanent link? - The Wadi Howar Region and the Nile - F. Jesse Were the hunter-gatherers in the Eastern Sahara of the "delayed return" type? An archaeological perspective from the Wadi Howar Region/Sudan - B. Keding The endless glory of a site: Esh-Shaheinab in the Sudanese prehistory - E.A.A. Garcea Prehistoric Nubian ceramic traditions: origin, development and spreading trajectories M.C. Gatto The archaeology of the Laqiya Region (NW-Sudan): ceramics, chronology and cultures M. Lange The el-Salha Project - D. Usai and S. Salvatori Towards a better understanding of the Meroitic settlements in Central Sudan (Shendi area) Abdel Moneim Ahmed Abdalla Cultural resource management, the case of the Fourth Cataract region - Kabbashi Hussein Gisema Alcune osservazioni suH'architetrura militare ramesside in Nubia - G Cavillier Cemetery Les cimetieres prehistoriques au Soudan - coutumes funeraires et systemes sociaux J. Reinold Napatan cemeteries: The case of Hillat el-Arab - /. Vincentelli Nubian mortuary complex of the Christian Period - B. Zurawski Les sepultures du Wadi Gabgaba et du Wadi Seiga dans la region du Wadi Allaqi. Premiers resultats - F. Paris, H. Barakat, D. Laisney Report on the R12 Neolithic Cemetery, Northern Dongola Reach (Kawa, Sudan) - S. Salvatori andD. Usai La tombe 8 de la necropole pharaonique de Sa'i - F. Thill Life in New Kingdom Nubia: a bioarchaeological analysis of ethnicity, biological affinities and health - M.R. Buzon Concept of Meroitic Ba-statues and heads of the 2nd-3rd century A.D. -N. Pomerantseva Nubian evidence in Hierakonpolis - S. Giuliani Sanctuary Space, temple and society. On the built worldview of the Twenty-Fifth dynasty in Nubia L. Torok Temples in the Meroitic South - Some aspects of typology, cult and function - P. Wolf The churches of Dongola, their origin and importance in the general line of development of church architecture in Makuria - W. Godlewski Metamorphoses of the Amun temple in Naga - K. Kroeper Ed-Derr - A new type of temple - U. Fritz Les representations de Bes et de Satyres a l'epoque meroi'tique: syncretisme ou confusion des emblemes? - A. Sackho-Autissier Osservazioni su alcune tavole d'offerta e oggetti di culto del Museo del Cairo: riflessi ideologic! e aspetti tradizionali - L. de Gasperis Osservazioni sopra un dipinto nubiano della nativita di Cristo - G. Vantini Wall paintings from the Holy Trinity Monastery in Old Dongola - M. Martens-Czarnecka Ricerche ed ipotesi circa la "Cappella Nubiana" in Gerusalemme - D. Ceccarelli Morolli The episode of the Baptism of queen Candace's Eunuch in the Italian Baroque art E. Fantusati Territory Territorial behaviour and territorial areas in the Middle Nile Valley from later Prehistory to the end of the New Kingdom - F. Geus News from Nubia's Western hinterland - R. Kuper Economic and social development in the Eritrean-Sudanese lowlands in the 4th to 1st millennia BC: a territorial approach - R. Fattovich Territory and landscape archaeology in the Middle Nile Valley. New/No Jacket.
USD 45.00 [Appr.: EURO 42.25] Boeknummer 1132

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