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Bunch?, published by Izumiya Sho?jiro? - [Illustrated Japanese book] Shazanr? gahon (Shazanro Gwahon, Buncho, ed. Hoshudo), published 1816, 23 pp.

Tani Bunch? (1763-1840/1) was renowned as an artist and teacher of painting in the Nanga style characterized by idealized Chinese-style landscapes. Although he was the most influential Nanga artist at the time, he explored and practised other painting styles.Woodblock-printed book, ink and color on paper, 23 pp, with original thread binding, nicely decorated cover paper; the last page glued to the end paper. In thick cardboard folder, covered in blue cloth, with bone buttons for closing. 275 x 183 mm. Despite some worm holes, in very good condition.Since the political philosophy of the Tokugawa ruling family in the Edo period was based on Chinese thought, members of the ruling class learned the classical language of China, and not infrequently enjoyed literary works in that language, including poetry and prose of the literati (wenren) class of Chinese scholar-bureaucrats. Both in China and in Japan, these scholars produced paintings as well, often but not always based on the classics of Chinese literature and evoking the dry austerity encouraged by the admonitions toward frugality and calm growing from Neo-Confucian thought. In Japan, Chinese literati painting was known mostly through woodblock prints reproducing Chinese works, and it was only natural that the Chinese books were copied, reprinted, and imitated in Japan. The style of these books and paintings came to be known as “Nanga” meaning “Southern Painting” or “Bunjinga” literally “Literati painting.” A number of books in the Tress collection are associated with this erudite painting genre.Perhaps the most famous Japanese literati painter represented in the Tress collection is Tani Bunch? (1763-1841). He was the grandson of an economist and Neo-Confucian scholar, the son of a noted master of Chinese poetry, and the samurai retainer of the highest-ranking conservative advisor to the shogun, Matsudaira Sadanobu (1759-1829). Bunch? exhibited painterly talent as a child, and studied with the academic ink painter Kat? Bunrei (1706-1782). After Bunrei died Bunch? worked with various masters of Japanese, Chinese, and even Western style painting. Bunch? was a prolific painter, copyist, and connoisseur who taught hundreds if not thousands of pupils; his books include collections of his sketches intended as manuals for others to study. This is best exemplified by Honch? gasan (Collected Paintings of Our Country), compiled from serially published small pamphlets reproducing Bunch?’s copies of paintings by Japanese painters of the past along with biographical notes. These pamphlets appear to have been given to his students annually as part of the celebration of the New Year to provide them with models to imitate.The most beautiful of Bunch? ‘s publications is Shazanr? gahon (Painting Book of the Mountain-reflecting Tower, 1816). This elegant volume reproduces original designs of flowers, birds, insects and such. Some openings imitate the painterly effects of monochrome brush and ink, while others include delicate color effects. The Tress copy is in pristine condition. The name derives from one of Bunch? ‘s pen names, Shazanr?, the tower (r?) where the mountain (zan) is reflected or drawn (sha), derived from the fact that Mt. Fuji could be seen (and hence drawn) from the upper story of Bunch?’s studio in the Shitaya section of Edo (today Tait?-ku, Tokyo). [The Arthur Tress Collection of Illustrated Japanese books, 2022].Druiventros - japan - china - sprinkhanen - sprinkhaan - botanisch - botanica - narcissen - spin - hydrangea - hortensia
EUR 1308.00 Boeknummer 67687

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