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RONDELET, Guillaume [RONDELETIUS, Gulielmus] - Libri de Piscibus Marinis, in Quibus Verae Piscium Effigies Expressae Sunt Quae in Tota Piscium Historia Contineantur, Indicat Elenchus Pagina Nona Et Decima. Postremo Accesserunt Indices Necessarij

Lyons, Matthiam Bonhomme, 1554/1555. First Edition. Hardcover. Folio (8" x 13") bound in recent full calf with five raised bands, gilt-lettered spine label, and some blind tooling. Two parts in one volume: (16), 583, (25); (12), 242, (10) pages. Titles with woodcut device, each part with privilege leaf and woodcut portrait of the author, woodcut initials, ornaments and over 400 woodcut illustrations of fish and other forms of aquatic life throughout. Adams R 746 & 757; Casey Wood, 541: "this famous grandfather of modern ichthyology"; Garrison-Morton 282; Nissen 3474; Norman 1848: "The work is especially valuable for its accurate treatment of Mediterranean species, and for providing what are apparently the first zoological accounts of the manatee and the sperm whale." The most important treatise on aquatic animals and fish published up that time. Based largely on classical authorities, in particular Aristotle, it also includes results of the author's own observations through experiments and anatomical investigations. It remained the standard reference work in ichthyology for over a century. Woodcut of fish on page 238 of first part pasted over with another woodcut, Y4 in first part and g2 & n3 in second all slightly defective at fore-edge (repaired with loss of a few letters, some supplied in manuscript), H1 of second part defective at foot (no loss) and H6 (final leaf) stained at edges and defective (no loss, laid down), small ink monogram stamped on verso of first title, very light water-staining to upper half, otherwise very clean. A Near Fine copy of this scarce title with wonderful woodcuts .
USD 12500.00 [Appr.: EURO 11198.75] Boeknummer 013155

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Charles Agvent
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Email: info@charlesagvent.com
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