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Carre, Louis. - Méthode pour la mesure des surfaces, la dimension des solides, leurs centres de pésanteur, de pércussion et d'oscillation par l'application du calcul intégral.

Paris: Chez Jean Boudot, libraire de l'Académie Royal des Sciences, 1700. 0. Hardcover. Quarto. viff. 116pp. a4, e2, A4-O4, P2. First edition. Contemporary calf, repaired. With perspectival projections of geometrical solid bodies on four folding engraved plates. The plates with explanatory figures can be folded out in such a way that they can be studied while solving the problems given in text. Poggendorff I, 383-384; Sotheran I, 704; not in Honeyman Collection. First edition of the first complete work on integral calculus. Good.
USD 4200.00 [Appr.: EURO 3762.75] Boeknummer 353

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