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IJZERMAN, J.W. - Beschrijving der oudheden nabij de Grens der Residentie Soerakarta en Djogdjakarta.

Batavia-'s-Gravenhage, Landsdrukkerij-Nijhoff, 1891. 2 vols. Text- and Atlas 4°./ small folio. TEXT-Volume in original printed wrappers. [1] (author's preface), 135pp. Frontispiece, captioned black/white illustrations on 9 helio-type plates (2 ills. to a plate), featuring templeruins and Hindu-Javanese statues, supplementary classification to Bodhisatwa statues of Tjandi Plaosan, descriptive table of plates and a coloured survey map in Atlas Volume at very end, extensive footnotes. Textprinted within a black line border. ATLAS-Volume in-folio, original printed cloth-backed portfolio with cover-title. With a large fold. col. survey map of PRAMBANAN TEMPLE COMPLEX and surrounding area, 4 multiple folded folios featuring detailed archtectural drawings, 27 one-folded folio sheets with numerous detailed illustrations of groundplans and temple reliefs, including some featuring Boddhisatwa Statues, together 32 folio sheets. Dutch language scientific archaeological and archtictural survey of PRAMBANAN Temple Complexes, Tjepoe Watoe, Tjandi Kali Bening of Tjandi Kalasan, Tjandi Sari or Tjandi Bendah, Tjandi Loro Djonggrang, Tjandi Loembong, Tjandi Sewoe, Tjandi Plaosan, Tjandi Kalongan, Craton of Batoe Boko. Soro Gendoeng valley, Eastern Java. Copy of [Professor Dr.] M.C. Ricklefs, his name in ink at upper left corner of portfolio. Complete set. (oval ex-lib stamps to both front covers and on versos (blanks) of sheets in portfolio, spine of text volume skilfully rebacked with a modern cloth strip).
EUR 985.00 | CHF 936] Buchzahl 50481

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