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Berne 1970,296 pp.,b&w photos/textiil./tables, contents Fraser,F.C. An early 17th century record of the Californian grey whale in Icelandic waters / Pilleri,G. Records of cetaceans of the Italian and Dalmatian coasts / Pileri,G. Obsevations on the behaviour of Plananista gangetica in the Indus and Brahmaputra Rivers / Pileri,G. The capture and transport to Switzerland of two live Platanista gangetica from the Indus River / Pileri,G. e.o.Feeding behaviour of the Ganggetic dolphin, Platanista gangetica, in captivity / Arvy,L. a.o. The tongue of Platanista gangetica and remarks on the cetacean tongue / Pilleri,G. Brain-body weight ratio of Platanista gangetica / Andersen,S. a.o. Audible sound production in captive Planista gangetica / Pilleri,G. a.o. The central nervous system of the mysticete and odontocete whales / Gruenberger,H.B. a.o. On the cerebral anatomy of the Amazon dolphin Inia geoffienes / Fraser,F.C. a.o. Variation of pigmentation pattern in Meyen's Dolphin Stenella coeruleolba(Meyen) / Arvy,I e.o. Some characteristics of the cetacean spleen / Gihr,M. a.o. Quantative investigations on the cetacean kidney / Pilleri,G. a.o. Ontology and functional morphology of the eye of the fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus / De Monte,T. e.o. Note on the constituents of the urine in some species of cetaceans / Yuk-Maan,L. First record of the whale-louse Genus Syncyamus (Cyamidae: Amphipoda) from the Western Mediterranean, with notes on the biology of Odontocete cyamids / Pilleri,G. Xenobalanus globicipitis Steenstrup on Delphinus delphis, Stenella styx and Tursiops truncatus of the Western Mediterranean / Zam,S.G. a.o. Some internal parasites from freshwater cetaceans from the upper Amazon River / Andersen,S. Auditory sensivity of the Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena / Wood,F.G. a.o. Behavioral interactions between porpoises and sharks (code A-69/A-79)
EUR 20.00 | CHF 19.5] Buchzahl 6205

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