Antiquariaten die specialiseren in (boeken over) Toneel:

Ariel Books
Non fictie: Nieuw Zeeland, Polynesische Geschiedenis, Ontdekkingsreizen, Kunst, Architectuur, Metaphysica, Filosofie, Sportvissen, Poëzie, Drama, Reizen, Antiquarische Boeken. Fiction and Children's in 1st Druk of Zeldzaam
Clayton Fine Books
Moderne Eerste drukken, Modern Toneel & Poëzie, Bibliografie, Historische kranten, Moderne Britse en Amerikaanse Auteurs
Global Village Books
Quality Secondhand books to Australia and the world. Online for more than 10 years.
Greenroom Books
Greenroom Books, Established 1991 is a mainly secondhand online bookdealer specialising in the Performing Arts: Theatre, Film, TV & Radio, Musical Theatre, including Opera, Ballet and Popular Entertainment. Also Theatre Programmes.