Mountie, illustrated by C. Caney. Mokolah Pays his Debt : a story of what happened to two traders who offended against tribal laws. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1938. | Adrian Oswald Nottingham Carved Ware : A Ceramic mystery. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1992. | F. Jackman Mounds and Earthworks of Rush County, Indiana. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1879. | Professor W. Stanley Jevons A General System of Numerically Definite Reasoning. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1871. | Owen Bedwin Prehistoric Earthworks on Halnaker Hill, West Sussex: Excavations 1981-1983. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1992. |