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Title: Columbia Records, Pioneer in Recorded Sound. America's Oldest Record Company - 1886 to the Present. Volume 1: The History. Volume 2: The Documents.(Copy number 20, signed by the autor)
Description: Hilbrook Press, 2012 2 volumes. modern , Soft cover, spiral-bound.Very good copies . volume 1: 512 pp. Volume 2: no pagenumbers ills, ``. tells the true story behind the CBS takeover of Columbia Phonograph in 1939, with previously undisclosed documents, court records, contracts, financial reports, letters, patents, etc., to uncover deception, non-disclosure, and coverups that have been concealed from business partners, shareholders, the government, and the public for more than 70 years. Gewicht/weight: 0 gr.


Price: EUR 75.00 = appr. US$ 81.51 Seller: Antiquariaat van Hoorn
- Book number: 13542

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