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Schlesinger, G. - Mastodonten der Budapester Sammlungen: Untersuchungen über morphologie, phylogenie, ethologie und stratigraphie europäischer Mastodonten

Title: Mastodonten der Budapester Sammlungen: Untersuchungen über morphologie, phylogenie, ethologie und stratigraphie europäischer Mastodonten
Description: Institutum Regni Hungariae Geologicum 1922 [2], 284, 22 halftone plates, 3 text figs. . HB. 4to, nicely bound in later black library buckram, red leather title pieces to spine, orig. printed wrappers retained (torn and restored). Good. Withdrawn from an institutional library with neat ink stamps to title and verso of plates.. Editio Separata ex Geologica Hungarica Tomus II. Fasc. 1. Collotype plates, photographed by A. Weinwurm and printed by Max Jaffé..

Keywords: Europe; Fossil Mammals; Mastodons

Price: GBP 120.00 = appr. US$ 171.36 Seller: Pemberley Natural History Books
- Book number: S57200

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