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75521: EHRENBERG, K. - Pelmatozoan root-forms (fixation).
506584: EHRENBERG, K.-H. ET AL.: - Forschungsbohrungen im Hohen Vogelsberg (Hessen), Bohrung 1 (Flösser-Schneise), Bohrung 2/2A (Hasselborn).
71284: S. N. EHRENBERG AND K. G. JAKOBSEN - Plagioclase dissolution related to biodegradation of oil in Brent Group sandstones (Middle Jurassic) of Gullfaks Field, northern North Sea.
77244: EHRENBERG, KURT - The crinoid occurrence at Crawfordsville, Indiana.
85220: EHRENBERG, H. & A. SCHRöDER - Das Schwefelkies-Zinkblende-Schwerspatlager von Meggen.
1758: EHRENBERG, H. & A. SCHRÖDER - Das Schwefelkies-Zinkblende-Schwerspatlager von Meggen.
89157: EHRENBERG, KURT - Die Plistozänen Bären belgiens. III. Teil: Cavernes de Montaigne (Schluss), Cavernes de Walzin, Caverne de Freyr, cavernes de Pont-à-Lesse.
89156: EHRENBERG, KURT - Die Plistozänen Bären belgiens. I. Teil: Die Baeren von Hastière.
90391: EHRET, DANA J. - Skeletochronology: a method for determining the individual age and growth of modern and fossil tortoises (Reptilia: Testudines).
1540131: EHRHARDT, A. - Wattenmeer. Formen und Strukturen.
52228: EHRINGHAUS, A. - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Dispersion der Doppelbrechung einiger Kristalle.
2803: EHRMANN, W.U. - Die känozoische Vereisungsgeschichte der Antarktis.
76379: EICKHOFF, MARTIJN - De oorsprong van het 'eigene'. Nederlands vroegste verleden, archeologie en nationaal-socialisme.
57920: EIGENFELD, ROLF - Prävariskische Glieder der sächsich-fichtelgebirgischen kristallinen Schiefer. II. Die Kulmkonglomerate von Teuschnitz im Frankenwald.
74998: EIGENFELD, R.W. ET AL. - Niederländische permokarbone basische Magmatite als Fortsetzung des spilitisierten Effusiva in NW-Deutschland.
88729: EIGENFELD-MENDE, ILSE - Metamorfe Umwandlungserscheinungen an Metabasiten des Südschwarzwaldes im Raum Kandel-Thurner-Feldberg-Schauinsland-Freiburg i. Br.
93041: EIGENFELD, R. & I. EIGENFELD-MENDE - Die Zuordnung kristalliner Gerölle in Devon- und Kulmkonglomeraten zu Magmatiten und Metamorphiten innerhalb der Varisziden Deutschlands.
5100754: EIJDEN, A.J.M. VAN - Geohistory analysis of ODP Leg 121 and DSDP planktonic foraminifers: paleoproductivity, fluxes, stable isotopes, and paleoecology.
78316: EIJSKOOT, Y. ET AL. (RED.) - Vlaardingen-De Vergulde Hand-West; Onderzoek van archeologische resten van de middenbronstijd tot en met de late middeleeuwen.
83496: EIKAMP, H. & W. KöNIG (EDS.) - Neue Skelettfunde von Gobius francofurtanus Koken (Fam. Gobiidae, Grundeln) aus dem Oberen Hydrobienschichten von Grosskrotzenburg am Main (Hess.).
92870: EILANDER, D.A. ET AL. - Bodemkaart van Nederland schaal 1:50.000. Blad 26 Oost / Harderwijk / Blad 27 West / Heerde. [gebied Ermelo-Wezep]
1120153: EILANDER, D.A. ET AL. - Bodemkaart van Nederland 1:50.000. Blad 26 Oost / Harderwijk / Blad 27 West / Heerde.
1120145: EILANDER, D.A. ET AL. - Bodemkaart van Nederland 1:50.000. Blad 20 West (ged.)-20 Oost /Lelystad & 21 West Zwolle.
20510: EILERS, W. - Vier Bronzewaffen mit Keilinschriften aus West-Iran.
67011: EILIV LARSEN, HANS PETTER SEJRUP - Weichselian land-sea interactions: Western Norway-Norwegian sea.
79315: EINARSSON, T. - The eruption of Hekla 1947-1948. IV-2. Rate of production of material during the eruption. /&/ IV.3. The flowing lava. Studies of its main physical an chemical properties.
47961: EINARSSON, T. - A survey of gravity in Iceland.
85571: EINSELE, GERHARD, ET AL. - Die geologische Kartierung der Rohrgräben beim Bau der Bodensee-Fernwasserversorgung.
506560: EINSELE, G.: - Über Art und Richtung der Sedimentation im klastischen rheinischen Oberdevon (Famenne).
87538: EINSELE, G. & A. SEILACHER - Cyclic and event stratification.
53410: EIRíKSSON, J., L.A. SíMONARSON, K.L. KNUDSEN & P. KRISTENSEN - Fluctuations of the Weichselian ice sheet in SW Iceland: A glaciomarine sequence from Sudurnes, Seltjarnarnes.
54799: EIRíKSSON, J. ET AL. - Marine reservoir age variability and water mass distribution in the Iceland Sea.
67209: EIRíKSSON, J., L.A. SíMONARSON, K.L. KNUDSEN & P. KRISTENSEN - Fluctuations of the Weichselian ice sheet in SW Iceland: A glaciomarine sequence from Sudurnes, Seltjarnarnes.
9050373: EIRIKSSON, K. - Inlandsisens avsmältning i området Vålådalen-Sällsjön i sydvästra Jämtland.
91992: EIRíKSSON, J. ET AL. - Late-glacial and Holocene palaeooceanography of the North Icelandic shelf.
23857: EISBACHER, G.H. & W. FIELITZ - Karlsruhe und seine Region. Nordschwarzwald, Kraichgau, Neckartal, südlicher Odenwald, Oberrhein-Graben, Pfälzerwald und westliche Schwäbische Alb
59984: EISEN, G. - Explorations of the Cape Region of Baja California in 1894, with reference to former expeditions of the California Academy of Sciences.
45333: EISENACK, A. - Einige neue Annelidenreste aus dem Silur und dem jura des Baltikums.
44241: EISENACK, A. - Über Hystrichosphaerideen und andere Kleinformen aus dem baltischenm Silur und kambrium.
44240: EISENACK, A. - Neotypen baltischer Silur-Chitinozoen und neue Arten.
45276: EISENACK, A. - Einige Erörterungen über fossile Dinoflagellaten nebst Übersicht über die zur Zeit bekannten Gattungen.
81498: EISENACK, ALFRED - Mikrofossilien aus dem Silur Estlands und der Insel Ösel.
91141: EISENACK, ALFRED - Foraminiferen aus dem baltischen Silur.
89730: EISENACK, ALFRED - Einige Erörterungen über fossile Dinoflagellaten nebst Übersicht über die zur Zeit bekannten Gattungen.
79672: EISENACK, ALFRED - Über einige niedere Algen aus dem baltischen Silur.
8050083: EISENACK, A. - Die melanoskleritoiden, eine neue Gruppe silurischer Mikrofossilien aus dem Unterstamm der nesseltiere.
86279: EISENACK, A. - Mikrofossilien aus dem Ordovizium des baltikums. 1. Markasitschicht, Dictyonema-Schiefeer, Glauconitsand, Glaukonitkalk. & 2. Vaginatenkalk bis Lyckholmer Stufe.
1660021: EISENACK, A. - Neue Graptolithen aus Geschieben baltischen Silurs.
87409: EISENACK, ALFRED - Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichosphären und verwandten Mikrofossilien. Band III Acritarcha 1. Teil.
87408: EISENACK, ALFRED - Katalog der fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichosphären und verwandten Mikrofossilien. Band I Dinoflagellaten (einschließlich 1. Ergänzungslieferung) & Band II. Dinoflagellaten.
91142: EISENACK, A. - Chitinozoen, Hystrichosphären und andere Mikrofossilien aus dem Beyrichia-Kalk.
1031: EISENHUT, E. - Geologische Untersuchungen im Bereich des burdigalen Kliffs zwischen Harthausen und Ingstetten (Schwäbische Alb).
6100545: EISENMAN, R. & M. WISE - De Dode-Zeerollen onthuld. De eerste complete vertaling en interpretatie van 50 sleutelteksten.
28347: EISENMANN, V. - Les hipparions africains : valeur et significantion de quelques caractères des jugales inférieures.
53263: EISENMANN, VéRA & MARJAN MASHKOUR - The small equids of Binagady (Azerbaidjan) and Qazvin (Iran): E. Hemionus Binagadensis nov. subsp. and E. Hydruntinus.
42905: EISENMANN, V. ET AL. - Equus mosbachensis et les grands Chevaux de la Caune sw l’Arago et de Lunel-Viel : craniologie comparée.
42904: EISENMANN, V. & A. KARCHOUD - Analyses multidimensionelles de métapodes d’Equus sensu lato (Mammalia, Perissodactyla).
7080077: EISENMANN, V. - Nouveaux crânes d'hipparions (Mammalia, Perrisodactyla) plio-pleistocènes d'Afrique orientale (Éthiopie et Kenya): Hipparion sp., Hipparion cf. ethiopicum, et Hipparion afarense nov. sp..
90587: EISENMANN, VéRA & TATIANA KUZNETSOVA - Early Pleistocene equids (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) of Nalaikha, Mongolia, and the emergence of modern Equus Linnaeus, 1758.
52752: EISENMENGER, G. - Le Rhin préhistorique depuis le lac de Constance à la Plain d’Alsace.
52702: EISENMENGER, G. - Le Rhin préhistorique depuis le lac de Constance à la Plain d’Alsace.
89711: EISERHARDT, K-H ET AL. - Revision des Ichnotaxon Tomaculum GROOM, 1902.
88264: EISMA, DOEKE & TOON FEY - De kust van Rottum tot Calais.
8050736: EISMA, D. & T. FEY - De kust van Rottum tot Calais.
57921: EISMANN, L. ET AL. - Die Geologie der Naherholungsgebietes Kulkwitz-Miltitz bei Markranstädt.
6371: EISMANN, L. - Periglaziäre Prozesse und Permafroststrukturen aus sechs Kaltzeiten des Quartärs. Ein Beitrag zur Periglazialgeologie aus der Sicht des Saale-Elbe-Gebietes.
8050850: EISMANN, L. - Lagerungsstörungen im Lockergebirge. Exogene und endogene Tektonik im Lockergebirge des nördlichen Mitteleuropa.
1032: EISMANN, L. - Periglaziäre Prozesse und Permafroststrukturen aus sechs Kaltzeiten des Quartärs. Ein Beitrag zur Periglazialgeologie aus der Sicht des Saale-Elbe-Gebietes.
1034: EISMANN, L. - Die ältesten Berge Sachsens oder die morphologische Beharrlichkeitgeologischer Strukturen.
1043: EISMANN, L. (ED.) - Die Eemwarmzeit und die frühe Weichseleiszeit im Saale-Elbe-Gebiet. Geologie, Paläontologie, Palökologie. Ein Beitrag zum jüngeren Quartär in MItteleuropa.
1044: EISMANN, L. - Das quartäre Eiszeitalter in Sachsen und Nordostthüringen.
52753: EISSMANN, L. - Tertiary and Quaternary geology of the Saale-Elbe region of Eastern Germany.
6500507: EISSMANN, L. - Die ältesten Berge Sachsens, oder Die morphologische Beharrlichkeit geologischer Strukturen.
8050849: EISSMANN, L. - Quartär und älterer Untergrund der Dahlener Tieflandsbucht in Nordsachsen.
10992076: EISSMANN, L. - Tertiary and Quaternary geology of the Saale-Elbe region of Eastern Germany.
6673: EITEL, W. - Physikalisch-chemische Mineralogie und Petrologie.
52229: EITEL, W. - Über Karbonatphosphate der Apatitgruppe.
54021: EITTREIM, STEPHEN L., ALAN K. COOPER & JACQUES WANNESSON - Seismic stratigraphic evidence of ice-sheet advances on the Wilkes Land margin of Antarctica.
80259: EK, C. & J. GRIMBERIEUX (INTRO) - Colloque de karstologie appliquée.
9050409: EK, J. - Trace elements in till, vegetation and water over a sulphide ore in Västerbotten county, northern Sweden.
54651: EKBLOM, TORE - Studien über subfossile Lemuren von Madagaskar.
74742: EKBLOM, TORE - Studien über fossile Lemuren von Madagaskar.
59227: EKDALE, A.A. & D.W. LEWIS - Trace fossils and paleoenvironmental contral of ichnofacies in a late Quaternary gravel and loess fan delta complex, New Zealand.
59100: EKDALE, A.A. & D.W. LEWIS - Trace fossils and paleoenvironmental contral of ichnofacies in a late Quaternary gravel and loess fan delta complex, New Zealand.
56003: EKMAN, S.R. - Pleistocene pollen stratigraphy from borehole 81/34, Devil’s Hole area, central North Sea. /&/ Middle Pleistocene pollen biostratigraphy in the central North Sea.
67268: EKMAN, S.R. - Pleistocene pollen stratigraphy from borehole 81/34, Devil's Hole area, central North Sea.
1711025: EKREN, E.B. & F.N. HOUSER - Geology and petrology of the Ute Mountains area, Colorado.
24504: EKSTRöM, G. & E. MOHRéN - Beskrivning till kartbladet Kävlinge.
24503: EKSTRöM, G. - Beskrivning till kartbladet Lund.
8050534: EKSTRÖM, G. - Beskrivning till kartbladet Örtofta.
8050532: EKSTRÖM, G. - Beskrivning till kartbladet Revinge.
8050533: EKSTRÖM, G. - Beskrivning till kartbladet Löberöd.
92409: EKSTRöM, G. - Upper Didymograptus Shale in Scania.
92837: EKSTRöM, G. - Upper Didymograptus Shale in Scania.
70880: ELANA L. LEITHOLD - Stratigraphical architecture at the muddy margin of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, southern Utah.
23041: ELAOUAD-DEBBAJ Z. - Chitinozoaires ashgilliens de l'Anti-Atlas (Maroc).
54129: ELAUT, L. (SAMENST.) - Antieke geneeskunde in teksten van Griekse en Latijnse auteurs vanaf Homerus tot het begin van de Middeleeuwen.
54800: ELBERS, F.J. - Evolution of the Svecofennian orogeny in the northeastern part of the Västerik area, southeastern Sweden, with special reference to deformation, metamorphism, and magmatism.
94658: ELBERSEN, G.W.W. - Mechanical replacement processes in mobile soft calcic horizons ; their role in soil and landscape genesis in an area near Mérida, Spain.
94659: ELBERSEN, G.W.W. - Mechanical replacement processes in mobile soft calcic horizons ; their role in soil and landscape genesis in an area near Mérida, Spain.
79326: ELBERSKIRCH, WILHELM - Zur Tektonik der Trias der Eifelsenke.
21779: ELDER, W.P. & S.E. BOX - Late Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves od the Kuskokwim Basin, southwestern Alaska, and their implications for basin evolution.
83310: ELDREDGE, NILES - Revision of the suborder Synziphosurina (Chelicerata, Merostomata), with remarks on merostome phylogeny.
1580414: ELDREDGE, N. - Life pulse. Episodes from the story of the fossil record.
59204: ELDREDGE, NILES - Darwin. Discovering the tree of life.
1060016: ELDREDGE, N. (ED.) - Fossils. The evolution and extinction of species.
9120004: ELDREDGE, NILES - Why we do it. Rethinking sex and the selfish gene.
50324: ELDRIDGE, G.H. - A geological reconnaissance in northwest Wyoming.
1230055: ELDRIDGE, G.H. & OTHERS - Explorations in Alaska in 1898.
1710651: ELDRIDGE, G.H. - The uintaite (gilsonite) deposits of Utah.
1710652: ELDRIDGE, G.H. - The asphalt and bituminous rock deposits of the United States.
1710650: ELDRIDGE, G.H. - A geological reconnaissance across Idaho.
6500236: ELF-AQUITAINE - Essai de caractérisation sédimentologique des dépots carbonatés. 1) Eléments d'analyse, 2) Eléments d'interprétations. [2 vols.].
60979: ELFTMAN, HERBERT OLIVER 1931. - Pleistocene mammals of Fossil Lake, Oregon.
86645: ELHAï, HENRI - La Normandie occidentale entre la Seine et le Golfe Normand-Breton. Étude morphologique.
87275: ELIAS, R.J. - Latest ordovician solitary rugose corals of eastern North America.
84274: ELIAS, EDWIN P.L. ET AL. - The 'Voordelta', the contiguous ebb-tidal deltas in the SW Netherlands: large-scale morphological changes and sediment budget 1965-2013; impacts of large-scale engineering.
84273: ELIAS, EDWIN P.L. & AD J.F. VAN DER SPEK - Dynamic preservation of Texel Inlet, the Netherlands: understanding the interaction of an ebb-tidal delta with its adjacent coast.
23172: ELIAS, R.J. - Solitary rugose corals of the Upper Ordovician Montoya Group, southern New Mexico and westernmost Texas.
57010: ELIAS, M.K. - Grasses and other plants from the Tertiary rocks of Kansas and Colorado.
1560121: ELIAS, M.K. - Tertiary prairie grasses and other herbs from the High Plains.
80280: ELIASON, SARA - Solstenar ock kattskallar. Gotländsk fossil- och geologiguide.
91408: ELIASOVá, HELENA - Sous-ordre Stylinina Alloiteau, 1952 (Hexacorallia) des calcaires de Stramberk (Tithonien, Tchéchoslovaquie).
91455: ELICKI, OLAF & SEMIH GüRSU - First record of Pojetaia runnegari Jell, 1980 and Fordilla Barrande, 1881 from the Middle East (Taurus Mountains, Turkey) and critical review of Cambrian bivalves.
7080633: ELLEDGE, E.M. - The economic geology of the Arkansas City District.
71190: ELLEN A. COWAN, KEITH C. SERAMUR, JINKUI CAI AND ROSS D. POWELL - Cyclic sedimentation produced by fluctuations in meltwater discharge, tides and marine productivity in an Alaskan fjord.
9120835: ELLEN, S.D. & G.F. WIECZOREK (EDS.) - Landslides, floods, and marine effects on the storm of January 3-5, 1982, in the San Francisco Bay region, California.
2013: ELLENBERGER, F. (ED.). - Métamorphisme, silicifications et pédogénèse en Bohème méridionale.
82831: ELLENBERGER, P. - Contribution à la classification des pistes de vertébrés du Trias: Les types du Stormberg d'Afrique du Sud I & II. [complete in 2 vols.)
43440: ELLENOR, D.W. - Sedimentology of the Middle Devonian Timor Limestone, northeastern New South Wales, Australia.
71642: ELLENOR, D.W. - Sedimentology of the Middle Devonian Timor Limestone, northeastern New South Wales, Australia.
73521: ELLERMANN, C. - Foraminiferen aus dem Oligozän des Schachtes Kapellen (Niederrhein) mit variationsstatistik von Elphidium subnodosum ROEMER.
1046: ELLERMANN, C. - Foraminiferen aus dem Oligozän des Schachtes Kapellen (Niederrhein) mit variationsstatistik von Elphidium subnodosum ROEMER.
55788: ELLIOTT, TRACEY A. ET AL. - Application of the solubility profiling technique to Recent and fossil fish teeth.
10991384: ELLIOTT, D.K. - A new subfamily of the Pteraspididae (Agnatha, Heterostraci) from the Upper Silurian and Lower devonian of Arctic Canada.
90283: ELLIOTT, D.K. & D.L. DINELEY - New species of Protopteraspis (Agnatha, Heterostraci) from the (?) Upper Silurian to Lower Devonian of Northwest Territories, Canada.
71831: ELLIS, J.B. ET AL. - Sedimentary characteristics of suspensions in London Stormwater.
92497: ELLIS, A.E. - British freshwater bivalve Mollusca. rev. ed.
3176: ELLIS, H.A. - The exploratory diamond drilling of the Koolyanobbing iron deposit for pyrite.
69337: ELLISON, JOANNA - Holocene palynology and sea-level change in two estuaries in Southern Irian Jaya.
93384: ELLISON, EDLER VON NIDLEF, F. - Das Tertiär von Melk und Loosdorf.
63325: ELLISON, JOANNA - Holocene palynology and sea-level change in two estuaries in Southern Irian Jaya.
6675: ELLISTON, J.N. - I. Orbicules, II. Rapakivi texture. An indication of the crystallisation of hydrosilicates.
7110168: ELLS, R.W. - Report on the geology and natural resources of the area included in the northwest quarter-sheet, number 122 of the Ontario and Quebec series comprising portions of the counties of Pontiac, Carleton and Renfrew.
7110169: ELLS, R.W. - The geology and mineral resources of New Brunswick
48676: ELLS, R.W. - Report on the geological formations of Eastern Albert and Westmoreland counties, New Brunswick, and of portions of Cumberland and Colchester counties, Nova Scotia, embracing the Spring Hill Coal basin and the Carboniferous system north of the Cobequid Mountains.
48204: ELLWANGER, D. - Der Rückzug des würmseitlichen Iller-Vorlandgletschers. /&/ Paläogeographische Kartenskizzen zur Flussgeschichte des Aitrach-Iller-Gebiets (Schwaben).
24232: ELMI, S. - Les Hammatoceratinae (Ammonitina) dans le Dogger Inférieur du bassin Rhodanien.
42425: ELMI, SERGE & YVES ALMéRAS - Physiography, palaeotectonics and palaeoenvironments as controls of changes in ammonite and brachiopod communities (an example from the early and middle Jurassic of western Algeria).
81051: ELMI S. ET AL. - Les zones d'Ammonites du Domérien-Callovien de l'Algérie occidentale. 1ère partie : Domérien - Toarcien.
80971: ELMI S. & R. MOUTERDE - Le Lias inférieur et moyen entre Aubenas et Privas (Ardèche).
44242: ELOUAD-DEBRAJ, Z. 1988. - Acritarches et chitinozoaires du Trémadoc de l'Anti-Atlas central (Maroc).
10990167: ELOUAD-DEBRAJ, Z. - Acritarches et chitinozoaires du Trémadoc de l'Anti-Atlas central (Maroc).
1820173: ÉLOUARD, P. - Étude géologique et hydrogéologique du Guebla mauritanien et de Ia vallée du Sénégal.
21780: ELOUARD P. & ROSSO J.-C. - Biogéographie et habitat des mollusques actuels laguno-marins du Delta du Saloum (Sénégal).
70798: ELS, B.G. - Anomalous pebble size variation in an erosive, Late Archaean braided stream: the Middelvlei gold placer, Witwatersrand, South Africa.
72259: ELSNER, H. - Granulometry and mineralogy of some northeastern Florida placers: a consequence of heavy mineral concentration in nearshore bars.
65243: ELSTNER, F. & J. MUTTERLOSE - The Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian and Valanginian) in NW Germany.
51354: ELTON, C.S. - The nature and origin of soil-polygons in Spitsbergen.
45629: ELVERHøI, A. (ED.) - Glacial and oceanic history of the polar North Atlantic margins.
67246: ELVERHøI, A. ET AL. - Late Cenozoic erosion and sediment yield from the Svalbard-Barents Sea region: implications for understanding erosion of glacierized basins.
67239: ELVERHøI, A. ET AL. - Glacial and oceanic history of the polar North Atlantic margins: an overview.
67238: ELVERHøI, A. (ED.) - Glacial and oceanic history of the polar North Atlantic margins.
44161: ELZANOWSKI, A. ET AL. - Anatomy of the coracoid and diversity of the Procellariiformes (Aves) in the Oligocene of Europe.
82339: ELZANOWSKI, A. - Embryonic bird skeletons from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia.
6500152: ELZANOWSKI, A. - Embryonic bird skeletons from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia.
20447: ELZINGA, G. - Enkele laat-neolithische grafvondsten van de Veluwe, prov. Gelderland.
76380: ELZINGA, G. & D. KORF - Vondsten uit eigen bodem.
507064: ELZINGA, G. - Deense Jydepotten uit Friese bodem.
507065: ELZINGA, G. & A.T. CLASON - Nederzettingssporen van rond het begin onzer jaartelling bij Sneek /&/ Beenderen uit nederzettingssporen van rond het begin onzer jaartelling bij Sneek.
44243: EMBERGER, J. 1955. - Les Clypéines (algues siphonées vericillées) des Monts des Oulad-Nail, Atlas saharien, Algérie.
76651: EMBERGER, L. - Les plantes fossiles dans leurs rapports avec les végétaux vivants.
77398: EMBLETON, C. & C.A.M. KING - Glacial geomorphology. 2nd ed.
6373: EMBLETON, C. & C.A.M. KING - Glacial and periglacial geomorphology.
6372: EMBLETON, C. & C.A.M. KING - Periglacial geomorphology.
89255: EMBLETON, C. & J. THORNES (EDS.) - Process in geomorphology.
84980: EMBLETON, CLIFFORD (ED.) - Glaciers and glacial erosion.
51316: EMBREE, G.F. - Lateral and vertical variations in a Quaternary basalt flow: petrography and chemistry of the Gunlock flow, southwestern Utah.
55302: EMELIANENKO - La géologie de la lettonie d’après les derniers travaux.
85608: EMERSON, S.B. & L. RADINSKY - Functional analysis of sabertooth cranial morphology.
50326: EMERSON, B.K. - The geology of eastern Berkshire County, Massachusetts.
79135: EMERSON, B.K. - Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
78422: EMERSON, B.K. - Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
52923: EMERSON, B.K. - Geology of Old Hampshire County, Massachusetts, comprising Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden counties.
1230056: EMERSON, B.K. ET AL. - Harriman Alaska Expedition IV. Geology and paleontology.
50228: EMERY, K.O. ET AL. - Atlantic continental shelf and slope of the United States. [13 parts, A-M]
86327: EMERY, D. & K.J. MYERS (EDS.) - Sequence stratigraphy.
7121015: EMERY, K.O. ET AL. - Mediterranean beaches of Israel &/ The continental shelf of Israel.
1060916: EMERY, K.O. ET AL. - Bikini and nearby Atolls, Part 1. Geology.
45462: EMERY, D. & K.J. MYERS (EDS.) - Sequence stratigraphy.
59472: D'EMIC, MICHAEL D. ET AL. - Unusual histology and morphology of the ribs of mosasaurs (Squamata).
21781: EMIG C.C., GALL J.C., PAJAUD D. & PLAZIAT J.C. - Réflexions critiques sur l'écologie et la systématique des Lingules actuelles et fossiles.
71268: EMILIA LE PERA, JOSè ARRIBAS, SALVATORE CRITELLI AND AMPARO TORTOSA - The effects of source rocks and chemical weathering on the petrogenesis of siliciclastic sand from the Neto River (Calabria, Italy): implications for provenance studies.
68058: EMILIA KOJUMDGIEVA - Palaeogeographic environment during the desiccation of the Black Sea.
69311: EMMANUEL FARA, ANTôNIO Á.F. SARAIVA, DIóGENES DE ALMEIDA CAMPOS, JOãO K.R. MOREIRA, DANIELE DE CARVALHO SIEBRA, ALEXANDER W.A. KELLNER - Controlled excavations in the Romualdo Member of the Santana Formation (Early Cretaceous, Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil): stratigraphic, palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological implications.
42082: EMMANUELLE ARNAUD, CAROLYN H. EYLES - Neoproterozoic environmental change recorded in the Port Askaig Formation, Scotland: Climatic vs tectonic controls.
71354: EMMANUELLE ARNAUD AND CAROLYN H. EYLES - Glacial influence on Neoproterozoic sedimentation: the Smalfjord Formation, northern Norway.
49622: EMMERT, U. & W. WEINELT - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 5935 Marktschorgast. [Erläut. mit Karte auf CD]
48304: EMMERT, U. - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 6228 Wiesentheid. [Erläut. mit Karte]
48284: EMMERT, U. - Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 5738/5739 Rehau.
48283: EMMERT, U. - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 5738/5739 Rehau. [Erläut. mit Karte]
7110210: EMMONS, R.C. & E. THOMSON - Preliminary report on Woman River and Ridout map-areas, Sudbury District, Ontario.
50166: EMMONS, W.H. & F.B. LANEY - Geology and ore deposits of the Ducktown Mining District, Tennessee.
49947: EMMONS, S.F. ET AL. - Geology of the Denver Basin in Colorado.
86387: EMMONS, S.F. - On hyperstene-andesite and on triclinic pyroxene in augitic rocks by Whitman Cross with a geological sketch of Buffalo Peaks Colorado.
1710926: EMMONS, W.H. & F.C. CALKINS - Geology and ore deposits of the Philipsburg Quadrangle, Montana.
1710654: EMMONS, S.F. - The mines of Custer County.
5101094: EMMONS, W.H., G.A. THIEL ET AL. - Geology. Principles and processes. 2nd ed.
1710014: EMMONS, S.F. - Geological distribution of the useful metals in the United States.
86810: EMMONS, S.F. - On hyperstene-andesite and on triclinic pyroxene in augitic rocks by Whitman Cross with a geological sketch of Buffalo Peaks Colorado.
61099: EMMONS, LOUISE & VUCETICH, MARíA G. 1998. - The identity of Winge's Lasiuromys villosus and the description of a new genus of echimyid rodent (Rodentia, Echimyidae).
71187: EMMS, P.W. - On the ignition of geostrophically rotating turbidity currents.
83338: EMRY, ROBERT J. - A North American Oligocene pangolin and other additions to the Pholidota.
83736: EMRY, R.J. & M.R. DAWSON - A unique cricetid (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the early Oligocene of Natrona County, Wyoming.
82566: EMRY, ROBERT J. - revised Tertiary stratigraphy and paleontology of the Western Beaver Divide, Fremont County, Wyoming.
61023: EMRY, ROBERT J. 1981. - New material of the Oligocene muroid rodent Nonomys, and its bearing on muroid origins.
90588: EMRY, ROBERT J. - Revised Tertiary stratigraphy and paleontology of the Western Beaver Divide, Fremont County, Wyoming.
90589: EMRY, ROBERT J. (ED.) - Cenozoic mammals of land and sea: Tributes to the career of Clayton E. Ray.
91043: EMRY, ROBERT J. - Revised Tertiary stratigraphy and paleontology of the Western Beaver Divide, Fremont County, Wyoming.
66850: EMRYS PHILLIPS - Micromorphology of a debris flow deposit: evidence of basal shearing, hydrofracturing, liquefaction and rotational deformation during emplacement
49142: EMSLIE, S.D. - The late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) avifauna of Little Box Elder Cave, Wyoming.
45061: EMSLIE, R.F. - The geology of the Michikamau intrusion Labrador (13L, 23I).
54585: ENAY, RAYMOND & ELIE CARIOU - Ammonite faunas and palaeobiogeography of the Himalayan belt during the Jurassic: Initiation of a Late Jurassic austral ammonite fauna.
7432: ENAY, R. & A. BOULLIER - L'âge du complexe récifal des côtes de Meuse entre Verdun et Commercy et la stratigraphie de l'Oxfordien dans l'est du Bassin de Paris.
88106: ENAY, RAYMOND - Le genre Gravesia (ammonite Jurassique) dans le Jura français et les chaînes subalpines.
81170: ENAY, R. - Paleobiogéographie des ammonites du Jurassique terminal (Tithonique/Volgien/Portlandien s.l.) et mobilité continentale.
1520106: ENAY, R. - Paléobiogéographie des ammonites du Jurassique terminal (Tithonique/Volgien/Portlandien s.l.) et mobilitécontinentale.
63622: ENAY, R. & F. CECCA - Structure et évolution des populations tithoniques du genre d'ammonites téthysien Haploceras Zittel, 1868.
68162: R. ENAY, C. MANGOLD, R. DU DRESNAY, M. RAKUS - Arrivals of Arabian origin among the ammonite faunas of Morocco during the Bajocian-Bathonian.
23002: ENAY, RAYMOND - Palaeontology of invertebrates.
81085: ENAY R. - Contribution à l'étude paléontologique de l'Oxfordien supérieur de Trept (Isère). I. Stratigraphie et ammonites.
81069: ENAY R. - Contribution à l'étude paléontologique de l'Oxfordien supérieur de Trept (Isère). I. Stratigraphie et ammonites.
50961: ENAY, R. ET AL. - La limite Kimméridgien–Tithonien et l'âge des formations du Jurassique supérieur de la Dorsale tunisienne, comparaisons avec l'Algérie et la Sicile.
80954: ENAY, R. ET AL. - Contribution à l' étude paléontologique de l'Oxfordien supérieur de Trept (Isère).
80946: ENAY, R. ET AL. - Contribution à l' étude paléontologique de l'Oxfordien supérieur de Trept (Isère).
55025: ENAY, R. & A. BOULLIER - L'âge du complexe récifal des côtes de Meuse entre Verdun et Commercy et la stratigraphie de l'Oxfordien dans l'est du Bassin de Paris.
55026: ENAY, R. ET AL. - Contribution à l’ étude paléontologique de l’Oxfordien supérieur de Trept (Isère).
25226: ENCISO-DE LA VEGA, S. - Carta geologica de Mexico, Serie de 1:100,000. Hoja Nazas 13R-k(6).
64570: ENCKEVORT, H. VAN & J. THIJSSEN ET AL. - Graven met beleid. Gemeentelijk archeologisch onderzoek in Nijmegen 1989-1995. 2de druk.
85378: ENCKEVORT, H. VAN & J. THIJSSEN - Cuijk. Een regionaal centrum in de Romeinse tijd.
52984: ENCKEVORT, H. VAN & K. ZEE - Het Kops Plateau. Prehistorische grafheuvels en een Romeinse legerplaats in Nijmegen.
64648: ENCKEVORT, H. VAN, ET AL. - Nijmegen, legerplaats en stad in het achterland van de Romeinse limes.
507068: ENCKEVORT, H. VAN & J. THIJSSEN - Graven met beleid. Gemeentelijk archeologisch onderzoek in Nijmegen 1989-1995.
68456: ENDALE TAMRAT, NICOLAS THOUVENY, MAURICE TAI¨EB, N.D. OPDYKE - Revised magnetostratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary sequence of the Olduvai Formation (Tanzania).
49948: ENDLICH, F.M. - Preliminary report upon the mining-districts of Colorado. / report upon the geology of the San Luis District. / III. Geology of section B, San Luis Divsion. / IV. Geology of section C, San Luis Division.
1710015: ENDLICH, F.M. - Report of the San Luis Division.
92499: ENDO, RIUJI - Additional fossils from the Canadian and Ordovician rocks of the southern part of Manchoukuo.
10990877: ENDO, K. ET AL. - Re-interpretation of terebratulide phylogeny based on immunological data.
1560124: ENDO, S. - Some Japanese Cenozoic plants I. On the fossil Acer from the Siobara Pleistocene plants beds.
88730: ENDRISS, KARL - Geologie des Randecker Maars und des Schopflocher Riedes.
92229: ENDRISZEWITZ, MICHAEL - Gliederung der Nubischen Serie in Südost-Ägypten. Auswertung von Gelände- und Fernerkundungsdaten.
85616: ENGEL, H. - Tertiaire en quartaire Echinodermen uit boringen in Nederland.
1897: ENGEL, E.R. - Palynologische Evidenz klimarelevanter Ereignisse in miozänen Sedimenten des Nordatlantiks.
75726: ENGEL, E.R. - Palynologische Evidenz klimarelevanter Ereignisse in miozänen Sedimenten des Nordatlantiks.
74160: ENGEL, H. - Over de variatie van Hemipneustes striatoradiatus (Leske).
22044: ENGEL, E. - Zur Palynologie und Sratigraphie der Braunkohle von Borken (Hessen).
7050811: ENGEL, H. - Van rupsen en vlinders. [Plaatjesalbum].
1630028: ENGEL, M.S. - Megachile glaesaria, the first megachilid bee fossil from amber (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae).
1630027: ENGEL, M.S. - The first fossil Euglossa and phylogeny of the orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae; Euglossini).
89857: ENGEL, M.S. ET AL. - Primitive termites from the Early Cretaceous of Asia (Isoptera).
89858: ENGEL, M.S. ET AL. - A synopsis of Baltic amber termites (Isoptera).
90027: ENGEL, G. & A. VON SCHOUPPé - Morphogenetisch-taxionomische Studie zu der devonischen Korallengruppe Stringophyllum, Neospongophyllum und Grypophyllum.
64589: ENGELEN, F.H.G. (ED.) - Tweede Internationale Symposium over vuursteen. 8-11 Mei 1975, Maastricht.
1530311: ENGELEN, F.H.G. (ED.). - Tweede Internationale Symposium over vuursteen. 8-11 Mei 1975, Maastricht.
1530314: ENGELEN, F.H.G. (ED.). - Derde Internationale Symposium over vuursteen. 24-27 Mei 1979, Maastricht.
1240658: ENGELEN, G.B. - Gravity tectonics in the NW Dolomites (North Italy).
49448: ENGELEN, F.H.G. ET AL. (EDS.) - Eerste internationaal symposium over vuursteen, 26-29 april 1969, Maastricht.
49243: ENGELEN, F.H.G. ET AL. (EDS.) - Eerste internationaal symposium over vuursteen, 26-29 april 1969, Maastricht.
84729: ENGELEN, F.H.C. - De oudste mijnbouw in Nederland. De prehistorische vuursteenwinning in het Savelsbos bij Rijckholt-Sint Geertruid.
3439: ENGELEN, G.B. - Gravity tectonics in the NW Dolomites (North Italy).
70972: H.-J. ENGELHARDT AND O. BROCKAMP - Biodegradation of clay minerals: laboratory experiments and results from Wadden Sea tidal flat sediments.
83034: ENGELHARDT, H. - Die tertiäre Kieselgur von Altenschlirf im Vogelsberg.
58696: ENGELHARDT, WOLF VON & GüNTHER GRAUP - Suevite of the Ries crater, Germany: Source rocks and implications for cratering mechanics.
80075: ENGELMANN, GERHARD - Bibliographie Albrecht Penck.
80074: ENGELMANN, GERHARD - Briefe Albrecht Pencks an Joseph Partsch.
46212: ENGELMANN, R. - Der Elbedurchbruch. geomorphologische Untersuchungen im oberen Elbgebiete.
9050729: ENGELMANN, R., N.D., CA. - Die terrassen der Moldau-Elbe zwischen Prag und dem Böhm. Mittelgebirge.
6100266: ENGELN, O.D. VON - Geomorphology. Systematic and regional. 1st ed., 5th impr.
53960: ENGELS, BRUNO - Geologische Problematik und Strukturanalyse Nikaraguas.
94660: ENGELS, J.P. - The catazonal polymetamorphic rocks of Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain), a structural and petrographic study.
1049: ENGELS, B. - Zur Tektonik und Stratigraphie des Unterdevons zwischen Loreley und Lorchhausen am Rhein (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).
1050: ENGELS, B. - Die kleintektonische Arbeitsweise unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Anwendung im deutschen Paläozoikum.
92657: ENGESER, T. & J. REITNER - Beiträge zur Systematik von phragmokontragenden Coleoiden aus dem Untertithonium (Malm zeta, Solnhofener Plattenkalk) von Solnhofen und Eichstätt (Bayern).
50963: ENGESER, TH. & A. SUTHHOF - Onychiten (Belemniten-Armhaken) aus dem Barrême von Sarstedt (Niedersachsen).
20892: ENGESER, TH. & J. REITNER - Geoteuthinus muensteri (D’Orbigny 1845) aus dem Untertithonium von Daiting und Arnsberg (Bayern) /&/ Coleoidenreste aus der Unterkreide des Libanon im Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart.
90181: ENGESER, THEO - Coleoidenreste aus der Oberkreide des Libanon im Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart.
90182: ENGESER, THEO - Neubearbeitung der von F.A. Quenstedt (1856-57) aus dem Schwäbischen Jura beschriebenen Belemniten-Grosshaken (Mega-Onychiten).
56901: ENGESSER, B. ET AL. - Stratigraphie und Säugetierfaunen des mittleren Miozäns von vermes (Kt. Jura).
8050284: ENGESSER, T. & F. RIEDEL - Scaphopods from Middle Liassic erratic boulders of northern germany; with a review on Liassic Scaphopoda.
55934: ENGESSER, B. - New Eomyidae, Dipodidae, and Crisetidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) of the Lower Freshwater Molasse, Switzerland and Savoye.
55933: ENGESSER, B. - Die Gattung Eucricetodon (Mammalia, Rodentia) im Grenzbereich Oligozän/Miozän.
93385: ENGESSER, BURKART - Die obermiozäne Säugetierfauna von Anwil (Baselland).
90590: ENGESSER, BURKART - Die obermiozäne Säugetierfauna von Anwil (Baselland).
60051: ENGLAND, B.M. - Zeolites from a new locality at Ben Lomond, New England region, New South Wales.
66848: J. ENGLAND, N. ATKINSON, J. BEDNARSKI, A.S. DYKE, D.A. HODGSON, C. Ó COFAIGH - The Innuitian Ice Sheet: configuration, dynamics and chronology
67293: ENGLAND, J. - Coalescent Greenland and Innuitian ice during the Last Glacial Maximum: revising the Quaternary of the Canadian High Arctic.
1470777: ENGLEN, O.D. VON - Erosion marginal to a plateau glacier. [Hardanger].
51256: ENGLER, C. & H. V. HöFER - Das Erdöl, seine Physik, Chemie, Geologie, Technologie und sein Wirtschaftsbetrieb. [6 vol.].
6120418: ENGLISH, W.A. - Geology and oil resources of the Puente Hills region, southern California.
22463: ENGLISH, TH. - Eocene and later formations surrounding the Dardanelles.
49563: ENGMANN, K.F. - Pollenanlytische Untersuchungen fossiler Böden im Flugsandgebiet von Leussow (Südwestmecklenburg). /&/ Pollenanalystischer Beitrag zur Geschichte eines mecklenburgischen Küstenhochmoores („Grosses Moor“ bei Müritz).
71928: ENNO NICKEL - Carbonates in alluvial fan systems. An approach to physiography, sedimentology and diagenesis.
1440062: ENNOUCHI, É. - Un deuxième Archanthropien à la carrière Thomas III (Maroc).
70821: ENOS, P. & B.P. STEVENS - Mid-Cretaceous basin margin carbonates, east-central Mexico.
1710102: ENOS, P. & R.D. PERKINS - Quaternary sedimentation in south Florida.
68690: ENRIQUE P. LESSA, BLAIRE VAN VALKENBURGH, RICHARD A. FARIñ - Testing hypotheses of differential mammalian extinctions subsequent to the Great American biotic interchange.
51078: ENSOM, P.C. AND D. SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL - New dryolestoid mammals from the basal Cretaceous Purbeck Limestone Group of southern England.
82360: ENTE, O.J. & A.J. WIGGERS - Over de bodemgesteldheid van Zuidelijk Flevoland.
72430: ENTHOVEN, J.J.K. - Geographische plaatsbepalingen. [overzicht astronomische werkzaamheden Borneo's Westkust]
1710507: ENTWISTLE, L.P. - Manganiferous iron-ore deposits near Silver City, New Mexico.
23964: ENZEL, Y., A. AGNON & M. STEIN (EDS.) - New Frontiers in Dead Sea Paleoenvironmental Research.
93386: ENZENBERG, MECHTHILD - Die Geologie der Tarntaler Berge (Wattener Lizum), Tirol.
63992: EPISODES - The Quaternary Period/System.
73489: EPPEL, FRANZ - Fund und Deutung. Eine europäische Urgeschichte.
94348: EPPRECHT, W. - Die Eisen- und Manganerze des Gonzen.
71832: EPSTEIN, SAMUEL A. & GERALD M. FRIEDMAN - Processes controlling precipitation of carbonate cement and dissolution of silica in reef and near-reef settings.
6100488: EPSTEIN, A.G. - Upper Silurian and Lower devonian stratigraphy of northeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Southeastern New York.
81097: ERBA, E. & B. QUADRIO - Biostratigrafia a Nannofossili calcarei, Calpionellidi e Foraminiferi planctonici della Maiolica (Titoniano superiore - Aptiano) nelle Prealpi Bresciane (Italia settentrionale).
81056: ERBA, E. & B. QUADRIO - Biostratigrafia a Nannofossili calcarei, Calpionellidi e Foraminiferi planctonici della Maiolica (Titoniano superiore - Aptiano) nelle Prealpi Bresciane (Italia settentrionale).
85561: ERBEN, H.K. ET AL. - Paleobiological and isotopic studies of eggshells from a declining dinosaur species.
80682: ERBEN, H.K. - El Jurásico inferior de México y sus amonitas.
1520107: ERBEN, H.K. - El Jurásico inferior de México y sus amonitas.
1755: ERBEN, H.K. - Stratigraphie, Tektonik und Faziesverhältnisse des böhmisch entwickelten Unterdevons im Harz.
83595: ERBEN, H.K. - Über böhmische und türkische Vertreter von Anetoceras (Ammon., Unterdevon).
80958: ERBEN H.K. - El Jurásico medio y el Calloviano de México.
80899: ERBEN H.K. - El Jurásico inferior de México y sus Amonitas.
90184: ERBEN, H.K. - Die Evolution der ältesten Ammonoidea (Lieferung I & II).
69097: I.ERDAL KEREY, ENGIN MERIç, CEMAL TUNO?LU, GILBERT KELLING, ROBERT L. BRENNER, A.UMRAN DO?AN - Black Sea-Marmara Sea Quaternary connections: new data from the Bosphorus, ?stanbul, Turkey.
45410: ERDBRINK, D.P. & TH.W.J. VAN ASCH - Çakil Kaya (Halevik) and its fossil elephant.
55935: ERDBRINK, D.P. - On one of the oldest known remains of the common elk, Alces alces L., found recently in the Netherlands.
59119: ERDBRINK, D.P. - The sites of Wezep and Oldebroek (Province of Gelderland, Netherlands).
58795: ERDBRINK, D.P. - The sites of Wezep and Oldebroek (Province of Gelderland, Netherlands).
88507: ERDBRINK, D.P. - More fossil bear remains in some Dutch collections.
1440063: ERDBRINK, D.P. - On one of the oldest known remains of the common elk, Alces alces L., found recently in the Netherlands.
1440065: ERDBRINK, D.P. & P.G.E.F. AUGUSTINUS - Two fragmentary mandibles of Archidiskodont elephants from the Netherlands.
91820: ERDBRINK, D.P. - More fossil bear remains in some Dutch collections.
92009: ERDBRINK, D.P. - More fossil bear remains in some Dutch collections.
1240661: ERDMAN, D.A. - De geologie van de westhelling van het Val Camonica tusschen het dal van Borno en het Val Clegna.
25166: ERDMAN, O.A. - Alexo and Saunders map-areas, Alberta.
24552: ERDMANN, E. - Beskrifning till kartbladet Askersund. [1:50.000]
24551: ERDMANN, E. - Beskrifning till kartbladet Landskrona. [1:50.000]
24550: ERDMANN, E. - Beskrifning till kartbladet Helsingborg. [1:50.000]
24549: ERDMANN, E. - Beskrifning till kartbladet Brefven. [1:50.000]
59699: ERDMANN, E. - Description de la formation Carbonifère de la Scanie. Edition abrégé, suivi de texte suédois complet ... etc.
59698: ERDMANN, E. - Beskrifning öfver Skånes stenkolsförande formation.
49346: ERDMANN, E. - Några ord till upplysning om bladet Nyköping.
74919: ERDMANN, A. - Bidrag till kännedom om Sveriges Qvartära bildningar. [2 vols.: text+ atlas].
1470779: ERDMANN, A. - Bidrag till kännedom om Sveriges Qvartäre bildningar. [2 vols.: text+ atlas].
47962: ERDMANN, E. - Moränbildningar och deraf betäckta skiktade jordlager i Skåne.
47928: ERDMANN, E. - Moränbildningar och deraf betäckta skiktade jordlager i Skåne.
1470032: ERDMANN, E. - Beskrifning öfver Skånes stenkolsförande formation.
1470033: ERDMANN, E. - Description de la formation Carbonifère de la Scanie. Edition abrégé, suivi de texte suédois complet.
8050852: ERDMANNSDÖRFFER, O.H. - Studien im Gneisgebirge des Schwarzwalden. XI. Die Rolle der Anatexis.
64026: ERDTMAN, G., B. BERGLUND &J. PRAGLOWSKI - An introduction to a Scandinavia pollen flora. [2 vols.]
63847: ERDTMAN, G., B. BERGLUND &J. PRAGLOWSKI - An introduction to a Scandinavia pollen flora. [2 vols.] [Picture on website]
63846: ERDTMAN, G. - Handbook of palynology. Morphology Taxonomy Ecology. [Picture on website]
87410: ERDTMAN, G. - An introduction to pollen analysis. 2nd rev. pr.
1540136: ERENS, A. - Recherches sur les formations diluviennes du Sud des Pays-Bas.
1540135: ERENS, A. - Recherches sur les formations diluviennes du sud des Pays-Bas.
57498: ERENS, ALPH. - Note sur les roches cristallines recueillies dans les dépôts de transport situés dans la partie méridionale du Limbourg hollandais.
88638: ERENS, ALPH. - Recherches sur les formations diluviennes du Sud des Pays-Bas.
11091: ERENSTEIN, ROB ET AL. - Twintig jaar De Appel.
90591: ERFURT, J. & J. HABERSETZER - The basipodium of Anthracobunodon weigelti Heller, 1934 (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the middle Eocene Geiseltal near Halle (Germany).
90592: ERFURT, JöRG ET AL. - Mammals of the Eocene locality Toru Ajgyr (Kazachstan. Morphological details.
91821: ERFURT, J. & A. AVERIANOV - Mammals of the Eocene locality Toru Ajgyr (Kyrgyzstan).
71954: Y. ERGUN GöKTEN - Paleocene carbonate turbidites of the Sarkisla region, Turkey — their significance in an orogenic basin.
67793: ERHARD MICHAEL - Variations in the number of species of benthonic Foraminifera in the Barremian of northwestern Germany.
93388: ERHARDT, WALTER - Der Staufen. Geologische Aufnahme der Berge zwischen Reichenhall und Inzell.
68575: ERIC N. POWELL, ROBERT J. STANTON JR. - The application of size-frequency distribution and energy flow in paleoecologic analysis: An example using parautochthonous death assemblages from a variable salinity bay.
1710160: ERIC, J.H. ET AL. - Geology and mineral deposits of the Angels Camp and Sonora quadrangles, Calavaras and Tuolumne counties, California.
67509: ERIC C. CARSON, JOHN H. FOURNELLE, THOMAS P. MILLER, DAVID M. MICKELSON - Holocene tephrochronology of the Cold Bay area, southwest Alaska Peninsula.
72116: ERIC LEONARD - An assessment of sediment loss and distortion at the top of short gravity cores.
68995: ERICA BICCHI, ELENA FERRERO, MALGORZATA GONERA - Palaeoclimatic interpretation based on Middle Miocene planktonic Foraminifera: the Silesia Basin (Paratethys) and Monferrato (Tethys) records.
93389: ERICH, AUGUST - Die Grauwackenzone von Bernstein (Burgenland - Niederösterreich).
82628: ERICKSON, B.R. - Wannaganosuchus, a new alligator from the Paleocene of North America.
1711008: ERICKSON, R.L. & L.V. BLADE 1963. - Geochemistry and petrology of the alkalic igneous complex at Magnet Cove, Arkansas.
1710143: ERICKSON, E.C. - Geology and uranium mineralization in the East Gas Hills, Wyoming.
5100104: ERICKSON, J.M. - Revision of the Gastropoda of the Fox Hill Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) of North Dakota.
80755: ERIKSEN, B.V. & L.G. STRAUS (EDS.) - As the world warmed: human adaptations across the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary.
80252: ERIKSEN, B.V. & L.G. STRAUS (EDS.) - As the world warmed: human adaptations across the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary.
80940: ERIKSEN, B.V. & B. BRATLUND (EDS.) - Recent studies in the final Palaeolithic of the European plain.
28598: ERIKSON, K.A. ET AL. - Sedimentology of Archean Greenstone Belts: Signatures of tectonic evolution.
45526: ERIKSON, K.A. ET AL. - Sedimentology of Archean Greenstone Belts: Signatures of tectonic evolution.
44578: ERIKSSON, K.G. - Studier över Stockholmsåsen vid Halmsjön.
85562: ERIKSSON, BRITA - The Eemian pollen stratigraphy and vegetational history of Ostrobothnia, Finland.
24421: ERIKSSON, P.G. ET AL. EDS.) - Precambrian clastic sedimentation systems.
18820: ERIKSSON, P.G. ET AL. (EDS.) - Precambrian clastic sedimentation systems.
28599: ERIKSSON, P.G. ET AL. (EDS.) - The influence of magmatism, tectonics, sea level change and palaeo-climate on Precambrian basin evolution: change over time.
1470780: ERIKSSON, K. - Inlandsisens avsmältning i Sydvästra Jämtland.
88584: ERIKSSON, KJELL - Inlandsisens avsmältning i Sydvästra Jämtland.
9050334: ERIKSSON, T. - Pre-Cambrian geology of the Pajala district, northern Sweden.
6100027: ERKMEN, U. & W.A.S. SARJEANT - Dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs and tasmanitids from the uppermost Callovian of England and Scotland: with a reconsideration of the Xanthidium pilosum problem.
71017: R. N. ERLICH, A. ASTORGA, Z. SOFER, L. M. PRATT AND S. E. PALMER - Palaeoceanography of organic-rich rocks of the Loma Chumico Formation of Costa Rica, Late Cretaceous, eastern Pacific.
70830: ERLICH, R.N. ET AL. - Biostratigraphy, depositional environments, and diagenesis of the Tamana Formation, Trinidad: a tectonic marker horizon.
64306: ERLICH, R.N. ET AL. - Geochemical characterization of oceanographic and climatic changes recorded in upper Albian to lower Maastrichtian strata, western Venezuela.
7120489: ERLSTRÖM, M. ET AL. - Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous petrography and stratigraphy at Eriksdal, Scania, southern Sweden.
7120487: ERLSTRÖM, M. - Petrology and deposition of the Lund Sandstone, Upper Cretaceous, southwestern Scania.
75397: ERLYKIN, ANATOLY D., DAVID A. T. HARPER, TERRY SLOAN AND ARNOLD W. WOLFENDALE - Mass extinctions over the last 500 myr: an astronomical cause?
79690: ERLYKIN, A.D. ET AL. - Periodicity in extinction rates.
53926: ERMANOVICS, I - Geology of Hopedale Block, southern Nain Province, and the adjacent Proterozoic terranes, Labrador, Newfoundland.
77528: ERNST, SANDER R. - The experimental study on the proxy value of benthic foraminifera. The impact of physical disturbance, oxygen depletion and organic flux.
57923: ERNST, G. & WACHENDORF - Feinstratigraphisch-fazielle Analyse der « Schaumkalk-Serie » des Unteren Muschelkalkes im Elm (Ost-Niedersachsen).
57922: ERNST, G. - Die Oberkreide Aufschlüsse im Raum Braunschweig-Hannover und ihre stratigraphische Gliederung mit Echinodermen und Belemniten. 1. Teil : Die jüngere Oberkreide (Santon-Maastricht).
94661: ERNST, A., SCHäFER, P. + REIMER, J.J.G. - Stenolaemate Bryozoa from the Upper Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Basin, Northern Spain.
94662: ERNST, A. & C.F. WINKLER PRINS - Pennsylvanian bryozoans from the Cantabrian Mountains (northwestern Spain).
61997: ERNST, A., SCHäFER, P. & REIMER, J.J.G. - Stenolaemate Bryozoa from the Upper Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Basin, Northern Spain.
61995: ERNST, A. & P. KöNIGSHOF - Bryozoan fauna and microfacies from a Middle Devonian reef complex (Western Sahara, Morocco).
61994: ERNST, A. - Bryozoa of the Upper Permian Zechstein Formation of Germany.
87193: ERNST, GUNDOLF - Grundfragen zur Stammesgeschichte bei irregulären Echiniden der nordwesteuropäischen Oberkrede.
76763: ERNST, A. & C.F. WINKLER PRINS - Pennsylvanian bryozoans from the Cantabrian Mountains (northwestern Spain).
6680: ERNST, W.G. - Earth materials.
3679: ERNST, W.G. ET AL. - Comparative study of low-grade metamorphism in the California Coast Ranges and the Outer Metamorphic Belt of Japan.
1710309: ERNST, W.G. ET AL. - Comparative study of low-grade metamorphism in the California Coast Ranges and the Outer Metamorphic Belt of Japan.
7120676: ERNST, O. - Geschichte der Moore, Marschen und Wälder Nordwest-Deutschlands IV: Untersuchungen in Nordfriesland.
62351: ERNST, G. - Fauna, Ökologie und Stratigraphie der mittelsantonen Schreibkreide von Lägerdorf (SW-Holstein).
62350: ERNST, G. - Stratigraphische und gesteinschemische Untersuchungen im Santon und Campan von Lägerdorf (SW-Holstein).
58484: ERNST, G. - Neue Belemnitellenfunde in der Bottroper Mulde und die stratigraphische Stellung der „Bottroper Mergel“.
58483: ERNST, G. - Ontogenie, Phylogenie und Stratigraphie der Belemnitengattung Gonioteuthis Bayle aus dem nordwestdeutschen Santon/Campan.
1630124: ERNST, H.U. & F. RUDOLPH - Trilobiten weltweit: Die Welt der Dreilapper und ihre Spiegelbild in der Philatelie / Trilobites worldwide: The world of trilobites and their reflection in philately.
89955: ERNST, GUNDOLF - Biometrische Untersuchungen über die Ontogenie und Phylogenie der Offaster/Galeola-Stammesreihe (Echin.) aus der nordwesteuropäischen Oberkreide.
91359: ERNST, ANDREJ ET AL. - Bryozoan fauna from the Mississippian (Visean) of Roque Redonde (Montagne Noire, southern France).
91409: ERNST, A. ET AL. - Some Bryozoa from the Upper Permian Dalan Formation of Dena Mountain in SW Iran.
1051: EROL, O. - Geomorphologische Untersuchungen über das Zungengebiet des würmeiszeitlichen Leitzachgletschers und die Terrassen des oberen Leitzachtales.
88656: ERRERA, M. ET AL. - Le calcaire de Givet et le Givetien à Givet.
50246: ERSKINE, C.F. - Landslides in the vicinity of the Fort Randall Reservoir, South Dakota.
6030708: ERTBORN, O. VAN & P. COGELS - Levé géologique de la planchette de Boom.
79171: ERTBORN, O. VAN - Texte explicative du levé géologique de la planchette Kermpt (Bolderberg).
83687: ERTBORN, OCTAVE VAN - Le Musée de Bruxelles et les Iguanodons de Bernissart.
76053: ERTBORN, OCT. VAN - De l'allure du Crétacé et du Primaire dans le sous-sol de la ville de Bruxelles et de sa Banlieue.
57617: ERTBORN, O. VAN - Les sondages houillers en Campine. Étude critique et rectificative au sujet des interprétations données jusqu’ice aux coupes des morts-terrains tertiaires et Quaternaires.
8050781: ERTBORN, O. VAN & M.P. COGELS - Carte & Texte explicatif du levé géologique de la planchette de Lille.
52941: ERüNAL-ERENTöZ, L. - Stratigraphie desbassins néogènes de Turquie, plus spécialement d’Anatalie méridionale et comparaisons avec le domaine Méditerranéen dans son ensemble.
71282: ERWIN W. ADAMS, WOLFGANG SCHLAGER AND FLAVIO S. ANSELMETTI - Morphology and curvature of delta slopes in Swiss lakes: lessons for the interpretation of clinoforms in seismic data.
94106: ERZINGER, E. - Die Oberflächenformen der Ajoie (Berner Jura).
6486: ES, F.B. VAN - Some aspects of the flow of oxygen and organic carbon in the Ems-Dollard estuary.
74380: ES, W.A. VAN - Een Alsengemme uit de Noordoostpolder?
20451: ES, W.A. VAN & A.D. VERLINDE - Overijssel in Roman and Early-Medieval times.
20452: ES, W.A. VAN & W.J.H. VERWERS - Céramique peinte d’époque carolingienne trouvé à Dorestad.
20448: ES, W.A. VAN - Friesland in Roman times.
20449: ES, W.A. VAN - Excavations at Dorestad; a pre-preliminary report: 1967-1968.
20419: ES, W.A. VAN & W.J.H. VERWERS - Dorestad III: Archäologisches.
20409: ES, W.A. VAN & W.J.H. VERWERS - Karolingisch draaischijfaardewerk uit Deventer.
20400: ES, W.A. VAN - Romeinse helmen uit de Rijn bij Rijswijk
20383: ES, W.A. VAN - Ländliche Siedlungen der Kaiserzeit in den Niederlanden.
20364: ES, W.A. VAN, ET AL. - Het werk van de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek.
20362: ES, W.A. VAN - Gedachten over Dorestads functie.
20181: ES, W.A. VAN - The origin and development of the state service for archaeological investigations in the Netherlands /&/ Twenty-five years ROB: twenty-five years of excavations.
20183: ES, W.A. VAN, ET AL. (EDS.) - Archeologie en historie. Opgedragen aan H. Brunsting bij zijn zeventigste verjaardag.
56543: ES, L.J.C. VAN - De tektoniek van de westelijke helft van den Oost-Indischen Archipel. /&/ H.A. Brouwer: Geologisch overzicht van het oostelijk deel van den Oost-Indische Archipel. [2 vols., text plus atlas]
43478: ES, W.A. VAN & M. MIEDEMA (EDS.) - Leeuwarden: Small terp under the Oldenhove cemetery.
56416: ES, L.J.C. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van de stratigrafie van het Tertiair in de residentie Bantam.
1060974: ES, W.A. VAN, ET AL. - Dorestad.
85379: ES, W.A. VAN - De Romeinse muntvondsten uit de drie noordelijke provincies. Een periodisering der relaties.
64541: ES, L.J.C. VAN - Geologische overzichtskaart van den Nederlandsch-Oost-Indischen Archipel (Schaal 1:1.000.000) Toelichting bij blad XV (Lampongs, Straat Soenda, Bantam).
76472: ES, H. VAN - Dorestad centred.
84694: ES, L.J.C. VAN - The age of Pithecanthropus.
82421: ES, W.A. VAN ET AL. (RED.) - Het bodemerchief bedreigd. Archeologie en planologie in de binnensteden van Nederland.
64465: ES, W.A. VAN & W.J.H. VERWERS - Excavations at Dorestad 3. Hoogstraat 0, II-IV.
55496: ES, W.A. VAN ET AL. - Eine Siedlung der römischen Kaiserzeit in Bennekom, Provinz Gelderland.
47531: ES, W.A. VAN - Genetische Siedlungsforschung in den Niederlanden mit besonderer Berüchsichtigung der ländlichen Siedlungsarchäologie im ersten Jahrtausend n. Chr..
5101390: ES, W.A. VAN - Die neuen Dorestad-Grabungen 1967-1972.
63343: ES, W.A. VAN & W.A.M. HESSING (EDS.) - Romeinen, Friezen en Franken in het hart van Nederland. Van Trajectum tot Dorestad 50. v. C. - 900 n. C.
64351: ES, W.A. VAN - Terpen.
507070: ES, W.A. VAN - De Romeinen in Nederland.
507072: ES, W.A. VAN & R.S. HULST - Das Merowingische Gräberfeld von Lent.
507073: ES, W.A. VAN, H. SARFATIJ & P.J. WOLTERING - Archeologie in Nederland. De rijkdom van het bodemarchief.
47428: ESCALON DE FONTON, MAX - Recherches préhistoriques en Basse-Provence.
95511: ESCANDEL, B. - Aportación al conicimiento de la historia geológica y tectónica de las Baleares.
95512: ESCANDEL, B. & G. COLOM - Notas estratigraficas y paleontologicas sobre los depositos flandrienses del puerto de San Antonio Abad (Ibiza).
2990: ESCAP - Atlas of mineral resources of the ESCAP region. Vol. 5, 1989. Sri Lanka.
90593: ESCARGUEL, G. - Les rongeurs de l'Éocène inférieur et moyen d'Europe occidentale. Systématique, phylogénie, biochronologie et paléogéographie des niveaux-repères MP 7 à MP 14.
90594: ESCHELMAN, RALPH E. ET AL. - Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) mammalian assemblage from Paw Paw Cove, Tilghman Island, Maryland.
80131: ESCHER, B.G. - Experiments on the formation of beach cusps.
80130: ESCHER, B.G. - Experiments on the formation of beach cusps.
8050504: ESCHER, B.G. - L'éboulement préhistorique de Tasikmalaja et le volcan Galounggoung (Java).
24396: ESCHER, B.G. - Grondslagen der algemene geologie. 10de druk.
54935: ESCHER, B.G. - De asymmetrische gedaante der aarde en haar oorzaak.
56052: ESCHER, B.G. - Vesuvius, the Tengger Mountains and the problem of Calderas.
82702: ESCHER, B.G. - De Kloet van een geomorfologische standpunt beschouwd.
75767: ESCHER, B.G. - De gedaanteveranderingen onzer aarde. Algemeene geologie. 2de druk.
82452: ESCHER, B.G. - De Krakatau-groep als vulkaan. /&/ Veranderingen in de Krakatau-groep na 1908.
52231: ESCHER, B.G. - Tabellarisch overzicht der belangrijkste minerlen en isomorfe reeksen.
23490: ESCHER, B.G. - Vesuvius, the Tengger Mountains and the problem of Calderas.
92893: ESCHER, B.G. ET AL. - Tabellarisch overzicht der belangrijkste minerlen en isomorfe reeksen.
80331: ESCHER, B.G. - Het vraagstuk van de daling van den bodem van Nederland.
82270: ESCHER, B.G. - Vesuvius, the Tengger Mountains and the problem of Calderas.
93390: ESCHER, B.G. - Ueber die praetriasische Faltung in den Westalpen met besonderer Untersuchung des Carbons an der Nordseite des Toedi (Bifertengraetli), mit einem Anhang über das Scheidnössli bei Erstfeld im Reusstal und das Carbon von Manno bei Lugano.
8051032: ESCHER, B.G. - L'éboulement préhistorique de Tasikmalaja et le volcan Galounggoung (Java).
8051026: ESCHER, B.G. - Mikro-karren op magnesiet en kalksteen.
55399: ESCHER, B.G. - Gesteenten van de Kelei (Berouw, Oost-Borneo).
55398: ESCHER, B.G. - Programma van werkzaamheden voor een te stichten Afdeeling/Commissie voor Vulkanologie van de Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereniging.
1133042: ESCHER, B.G. - Rapport sur les phénomènes volcanologiques dans l`Archipel Indien pendant les années 1933, 1934 et 1935 et sur les ouvrages de volcanologie publiés durant ces années, concernant les volcans des Indes Néerlandaises.
21204: ESCHER, B.G. - On the formation of caldera's.
1670064: ESENWEIN, P. - Die Eruptiv-, Sediment- und Kontaktgesteine der Karimata-Inseln.
28349: ESHELMAN, R.E. - Geology and paleontology of the early Pleistocene (Late Blancan) White Rock fauna from north-central Kansas.
1470036: ESKOLA, P. - The Precambrian of Finland.
54466: ESKOV, K. - A new archaeid spider (Chelicerata : Araneae) from the Jurassic of Kazakhstan, with notes on the so-called “Gondwanan” ranges of recent taxa.
92374: ESKOV, K. & S. ZONSHTEIN - First Mesozoic mygalomorph spiders from the Lower Cretaceous of Siberia and Mongolia, with notes on the system and evolution of the infraorder Mygalomorphae (Chelicerata: Araneae).
6100489: ESPENSHADE, G.H. & E.L. BOUDETTE - Geology and petrology of the Greenville Quadrangle, Piscataquis and Somerset counties, Maine.
9050823: ESPENSHADE, G.H. & D.B. POTTER - Kyanite, sillimanite, and andalusite deposits of the southeastern States.
68458: ESPERANZA CERDEN˜O, MANUEL NIETO - Changes in Western European Rhinocerotidae related to climatic variations.
9050226: ESPINOSA, A.F. (ED.) - The Guatamalan earthquake of February 4, 1976, a preliminary report.
7080780: ESPIRAT, J.-J. - Étude géologique de régions de la Nouvelle Calédonie septentrionale (Extrémité nord et versant est).
67262: L.E ESPIZUA, G BIGAZZI - Fission-track dating of the punta de vacas glaciation in the R??o Mendoza valley, Argentina.
5101192: ESQUEVIN, J. ET AL. - Les séries de l`Aptien et de l`Albien des régions nord-pyrénéennes et du Sud Aquitain (France-Sud).
73868: ESSED, E. - A contribution to the knowledge of the geological formation of the Coppename valley (Dutch Guyana).
1052: ESSER, P. - Die Identifizierung der Flöze der Kohlscheider Schichten (Westfal A) in den Gruben Carolus Magnus und Carl Alexander der Baesweiler Scholle und die Gleichstellung mit den Flözen der Kohlscheider und Alsdorfer Scholle des Wurmgebietes bei Aachen.
85559: ESSINK, K. ET AL. - Are Medieval Mya arenaria (Mollusca; Bivalvia) in the Netherlands also clams before Columbus?
85576: ESTEBAN AENLLE, J. & N. LOPEZ MARTINEZ - Les arvicolidés (Rodentia, Mammalia) du Villanyen récent de casablanca I (Castellon, Espagne).
85566: ESTES-SMARGIASSI, K.A. & A.A. KLOMPMAKER - An enigmatic trace fossil from the Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) shales of Western Europe. [Winterswijk]
81426: ESTES, R. - Middle Paleocene Lower Vertebrates from the Tongue River Formation, Southeastern Montana.
73767: ESTES, R. - Lower vertebrates from the Golden Valley Formation, Early Eocene of North Dakota (USA).
60807: ESTES, RICHARD - Lower vertebrates from the Golden Valley Formation, Early Eocene of North Dakota (U.S.A.).
74723: ESTES, R. ET AL. - Paleocene amphibians fom Cernay, France.
74165: ESTES, R. - A new fossil discoglossid frog from Motana and Wyoming.
74111: ESTES, R. & R. WASSERSUG - A Miocene toad from Colombia, South America.
74109: ESTES, R. - The fossil record of amphiumid salamanders.
74110: ESTES, R. - A scincoid lizard from the Cretaceous and Paleocene of Montana.
74108: ESTES, R. - A fossil gerrhosaur from the Miocene of Kenya (Reptilia: Cordylidae).
1450532: ESTES, R. & R. HOFFSTETTER - Les Urodèles du Miocène de La Grive-Saint-Alban (Isère, France).
1450531: ESTES, R. ET AL. - Studies on the fossil snake Dinilysia patagonica Woodward: Part I. Cranial morphology.
83537: ESTES, R. ET AL. - Paleocene amphibians from Cernay, France.
83501: ESTES, R. ET AL. - Paleocene amphibians from Cernay, France.
81720: ESTES, RICHARD - Studies on fossil phyllodont fishes: Casierius, a new genus of albulid from the Cretaceous of Europe and Nort America.
91707: ESTES, R. ET AL. - Paleocene amphibians from Cernay, France.
92068: ESTES, R. ET AL. - Paleocene amphibians from Cernay, France.
77230: ESTEVE, J. ET AL. - Modelling enrolment in Cambrian trilobites.
47723: ESTEVE, J. ET AL. - Thoracic structure and enrolment style in middle Cambrian Eccaparadoxides pradoanus presages caudalization of the derived trilobite trunk.
44923: ESTEVOU, O. D’, ET AL. - Principaux aspects de l’évolution stryucturale du rift de Suez et de la Mer Rouge nord occidentale.
57012: ESTIENNE, JEAN D’ - Les étapes du règne végétal.
506786: ESTRADA, S. (ED.) - Geology and geophysics of Marie Byrd Land, northern Victoria Land, and Oates Coast. GANOVEX VII.
28350: ESTRAVíS, C. & D.E. RUSSELL - Paschatherium marianae, un nouveau Condylarthra de Silveirinha, Éocène inférieur du Portugal.
92500: ESU, D. & O. GIROTTI - La malacofauna continentale del Plio-Pleistocene dell'Italia centrale. I: Paleontologia.
47208: ESU, D. & O. GIROTTI - La malacofauna continentale del Plio-Pleistocene dell’Italia centrale I: Paleontologia.
46602: ESU, D. & O. GIROTTI - La malacofauna continentale del Plio-Pleistocene dell’Italia centrale I: Paleontologia.
46601: ESU, D. - La malacofauna continentale pliopleistocica della formazione fluvio-lacustre di Nuraghe su Casteddu (Sardegna orientale) e sue implicazioni paleogeografiche.
56655: ETAYO-SERNA, F. & F. LAVERDE MONTANO (EDS.) - Proyeto Cretacico. Contribuciones.
81312: ETAYO-SERNA, F. - La fauna de moluscos del Paleoceno de Colombia. Moluscos de una capa del Paleoceno de Manantial (Guajira).
80959: ETAYO-SERNA, F. & F. LAVERDE MONTANO (EDS.) - Proyecto Cretacico.
80949: ETAYO-SERNA, F. - Zonation of the Cretaceous of Central Colombia by Ammonites.
58125: ETAYO-SERNA, F. & F. LAVERDE MONTANO (EDS.) - Proyeto Cretacico. Contribuciones.
58124: ETAYO-SERNA, F. - Zonation of the Cretaceous of central Colombia by ammonites.
77413: ETHERIDGE, R. - A monograph of the Carboniferous and Permo-Carboniferous invertebrata of New South Wales. Part I. Coelenterata.
77391: ETHERIDGE, R. - A monograph of the Carboniferous and Permo-Carboniferous invertebrata of New South Wales. Part I. Coelenterata.
83150: ETHERIDGE, ROBERT - Palaeozoic and Mesozoic fossils from Queensland.
83106: ETHERIDGE, ROBERT - Palaeozoic and Mesozoic fossils from Queensland.
9051015: ÉTHÉRIE / HÉLÈNE PÉTRÉ - Journal de voyage.
1710202: ETHERINGTON, T.J. - Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Astoria Miocene of Northwest Washington.
64501: ETHRIDGE, F.G. ET AL. (EDS.) - Recent developments in fluvial sedimentology. Contributions from the Third International Fluvial Sedimentology Conference.
45461: ETHRIDGE, F.G. & R.M. FLORES (EDS.) - Recent and ancient nonmarine depositional environments: models for exploration.
85532: ETTENSOHN, FRANK R. - Paragassizocrinus: Systematics, Phylogeny and Ecology.
82567: ETTENSOHN, F.R. & R. A. PEPPERS - Palynology and biostratigraphy of Pennington shales and coals (Chesterian) at selected sites in northeastern Kentucky.
82540: ETTENSOHN, F.R. & R. A. PEPPERS - Palynology and biostratigraphy of Pennington shales and coals (Chesterian) at selected sites in northeastern Kentucky.
56735: ETTER, WALTER - A well-preserved isopod from the Middle Jurassic of southern Germany and implications for the isopod fossil record.
86155: ETTER, W. & O. KUHN - An articulated dragonfly (Insecta, Odoata) from the Upper Liassic Posidonia Shale of northern Switzerland.
57013: ETTINGSHAUSEN, CONSTATIN, BARON VON - Contributions on the Tertiary flora of Australia.
85691: EUDES-DESLONGCHAMPS, M. - Mémoire sur les coquilles fossiles du genre Münsteria. /&/ Mémoire sur les Teudopsides, animaux fossiles, voisins de calmars.
71022: EUGENE C. RANKEY AND DANIEL J. LEHRMANN - Anatomy and origin of toplap in a mixed carbonate-clastic system, Seven Rivers Formation (Permian, Guadalupian), Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, USA.
67332: EUGENE W. DOMACK, MARCO TAVIANI, ANTHONIO RODRIGUEZ - Recent sediment remolding on a deep shelf, Ross Sea: implications for radiocarbon dating of Antarctic marine sediments..
94234: EUGSTER, HERMANN - Geologie von Mittelbünden. IV. Abt. Die westliche Piz Uertsch-Kette (Preda-Albulapass).
88240: EUROLA, SEPPO - Über die regionale Einteilung der südfinnischen Moore.
88174: EUROLA, SEPPO - Über die regionale Einteilung der südfinnischen Moore.
87559: EUROLA, SEPPO - Über die regionale Einteilung der südfinnischen Moore.
67468: EVA CALVO, JOAN GRIMALT, EYSTEIN JANSEN - High resolution U37K sea surface temperature reconstruction in the Norwegian Sea during the Holocene.
77114: EVAMY, B.D. & D.J. SHEARMAN - The development of overgrowths from echinoderm fragments.
10991308: EVANS, D.H. - A cephalopod fauna from the middle Ordovician of Saudi Arabia.
54617: EVANS, S.E. - The braincase of Prolacerta broomi (Reptilia, Triassic).
80004: EVANS, J. AND T. S. KEMP - The cranial morphology of a new lower Cretaceous turtle from southern England.
10991262: EVANS, D.H. - A Middle-Ordovician cephalopod fauna from Cuzco Province, southern Peru and its palaeobiogeographical significance.
94663: EVANS, SUSAN E. - A lizard from the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Valanginian) of Montsec, Catalonia, Spain.
53237: EVANS, SUSAN E. & MAKOTO MANABE - Early Cretaceous Lizards from the Okurodani Formation of Japan.
59576: EVANS, SUSAN E. ET AL. - Fossil lizards from the Jurassic Kota Formation of India.
59575: EVANS, SUSAN E. & ANDREW R. MILNER - Frogs and salamanders from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation (Quarry Nine, Como Bluff) of North America.
59478: EVANS, S.E. & A.R. MILNER - Fulengia, a supposed early lizard reinterpreted as aprosauropod dinosaur.
59479: EVANS, S.E. & M. MANABE - Early Cretaceous lizards from the Okurodani Formation of Japan.
59480: EVANS, S.E. ET AL. - Sirenid salamanders and a gymnophionan amphibian from the Cretaceous of the Sudan.
10991097: EVANS, D.H. & J.C.W. COPE - Systematic position of Pollicina corniculum (Eichwald, 1860) (Mollusca, Tergomya) from the Middle Ordovician of the United Kingdom
59396: EVANS, DAVID H. & CHARLES HEPWORTH HOLLAND - The nautiloid cephalopod Order Endocerida in the Silurian.
52637: EVANS, DAVID J.A. & DAVID R. TWIGG - The active temperate glacial landsystem: a model based on Breiðamerkurjökull and Fjallsjökull, Iceland.
55670: EVANS, K.M. - The brachiopod fauna of the Meadfoot Group (Lower Devonian) of the Torbay area, south Devon.
1060852: EVANS, J.G. - Geology of the Stensgar Mountain Quadrangle, Stevens County, Washington.
58639: EVANS, P.R. - revision of the miospore genera Perotrilites Erdtm. ex Couper 1953 and Diaphanospora Balme & Hassell 1962.
15622: EVANS, S.E. ET AL. - A discoglossid frog from the Middle Jurassic of England.
5101033: EVANS, J.E. - Paleoclimatology and paleobotany of the Eocene Chumstick Formation, Cascade Range, Washington (USA): a rapidly subsiding alluvial basin.
62188: EVANS, P.R. - Revision of the Miospore genera Perotrilites Erdtm. ex Couper 1953 and Diaphanospora Balme & Hassell 1962.
67282: EVANS, D.J.A., S. ARCHER & D.J.H. WILSON - A comparison of the lichenometric and Schmidt hammer dating techniques based on data from the proglacial areas of some Icelandic glaciers.
10991454: EVANS, J. AND T. S. KEMP - The cranial morphology of a new lower Cretaceous turtle from southern England.
10991455: EVANS, S.E. - A new anguimorph lizard from the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of England.
10991456: EVANS, S.E. & D. SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL - A stem-group caecilian (Lissamphibia: Gymnophiona) from the Lower Cretaceous of North Africa.
90392: EVANS, SUSAN E. - The braincase of Prolacerta broomi (Reptilia, Triassic).
90393: EVANS, SUSAN E. - A lizard from the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Valanginian) of Montsec, Catalonia, Spain.
91536: EVANS, DAVID H. - Siphonal and cameral deposits in Allumettoceras and the position of the Tripteroceratidae (Nautiloidea).
91708: EVANS, A.E., WANG, Y. & JONES, M.E.H. - An aggregation of lizard skeletons from the Lower Cretaceous of China.
91709: EVANS, SUSAN E. - The Solnhofen (Jurassic: Tithonian) lizard genus Bavarisaurus: New skull material and a reinterpretation.
69098: EVELYN S. KRULL, DANIEL J. LEHRMANN, DOMINIC DRUKE, BENJAMIN KESSEL, YOUYI YU, RONGXI LI - Stable carbon isotope stratigraphy across the Permian-Triassic boundary in shallow marine carbonate platforms, Nanpanjiang Basin, south China.
6302: EVENSON, E.B. ET AL. (EDS.) - Tills and related deposits. Genesis / petrology / application / stratigraphy.
85581: EVERAERT, S., P. DE SCHUTTER ET AL. - Een vroeg-miocene fauna uit het Zand van Kiel (Formatie van Berchem) bij Post X in Berchem (Antwerpen).
77729: EVERAERT, W. - De aarde waarop wij leven.
52524: EVERDINGEN, R.O. V. - Studies on the igneous rock complex of the Oslo region. XVII. Palaeomagnetic analysis of Permian extrusives in the Oslo region, Norway.
94664: EVERTS, A.J.W. - Interpreting compositional variations of calciturbidites in relation to platform-stratigraphy: an example from the Paleogene of SE Spain.
71150: EVERTS, A.J.W. ET AL. - Carbonate platform-to-basin correlation by means of grain-composition logs: an example from the Vercors (Cretaceous, SE France).
72195: EVERTS, A.J.W. - Interpreting compositional variations of calciturbidites in relation to platform-stratigraphy: an example from the Paleogene of SE Spain.
88967: EVITT, WILLIAM R. - Observations on the trilobite Ceraurus.
76054: EVRARD, E. - Recherches sur l'évolution karstique du Pays de Herve.
75849: EVRARD, E. - Recherches sur l'évolution karstique du Pays de Herve.
94665: EWALD, RUDOLF - Untersuchungen über den geologische Bau und die Trias in der Provinz Valencia.
8110831: EWART, A. ET AL. - The Tweed and focal Peak shield volcanoes. southeast Queensland and northeast New South Wales.
92230: EWEDA, S & EL-SOROGY, A - Stratigraphy and facies development of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary succession in Wadi Feiran area, southwestern Sinai, Egypt.
77905: EWERS, J.C. - George Catlin, painter of indians and the West.
21205: EWERT, J.W. & D.A. SWANSON (EDS.) - Monitoring volcanoes: techniques and strategies used by the staff of the Cascades Volcano Observatory, 1980-90.
85017: EWETZ, CARL EVERT - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Visingsöformation.
8094: EWING, M. ET AL. - Geophysical investigations in the emerged and submerged Atlantic coastal plain.
48311: EXLER, H.J. - Geologische Karte von Bayern 1:25 000. Blatt Nr. 6234 Pottenstein.
94367: EXNER, CHRISTOF - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte der Sonnblickgruppe. [ohne Karte, without the map]
93391: EXNER, CH. - Geologie der Hohen Tauern bei Gmünd in Kärnten. /&/ H. Peer & W. Zimmer: Geologie der Nordrahmenzone der Hohen Tauern (Gasteiner Ache bis Sauerkopf-Grossarltal).
86163: EYKEREN, H. VAN - Microblastus gen. nov. und einige andere neue permische Blastoiden von Timor.
86873: EYKEREN, H. VAN - Microblastus gen. nov. und einige andere neue permische Blastoiden von Timor.
67137: N. EYLES, A.M. MCCABE, D.Q. BOWEN - The stratigraphic and sedimentological significance of Late Devensian Ice Sheet surging in Holderness, Yorkshire, U.K..
83367: EYLES, C.H. ET AL. - Facies and allostratigraphy of high-latitude, glacially influenced marine strata of the Early Permian southern Sydney Basin, Australia.
54395: EYLES, N. ET AL. - Ichnology of a glacially-influenced continental shelf and slope; the Late Cenozoic Gulf of Alaska (Yakataga Formation).
28779: EYLES, N. - Late Pleistocene debris-flow deposits in large glacial lakes in British Columbia and Alaska.
43346: EYLES, N. - Characteristics and origin of coarse gold in Late Pleistocene sediments of the Cariboo placer mining district, British Columbia, Canada.
66987: N. EYLES, C.H. EYLES, A.M. MCCABE - Sedimentation in an ice-contact subaqueous setting: The mid-Pleistocene 'North Sea Drifts' of Norfolk, U.K..
42971: EYLES, N. - Characteristics and origin of coarse gold in Late Pleistocene sediments of the Cariboo placer mining district, British Columbia, Canada.
18939: EYLES, N. (ED.) - Glacial geology. An introduction for engineers and earth scientists.
71213: EYLES AND EYLES - Subaqueous mass flow origin for Lower Permian diamictites and associated facies of the Grant Group, Barbwire Terrace, Canning Basin, Western Australia.
68859: EYLES, N. & P. DE BROEKERT - Glacial tunnel valleys in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia cut below the Late Paleozoic Pilbara ice sheet.
72041: N. EYLES, S. KOCSIS - Sedimentology and clast fabric of subaerial debris flow facies in a glacially-influenced alluvial fan.
41182: N. EYLES - Characteristics and origin of coarse gold in Late Pleistocene sediments of the Cariboo placer mining district, British Columbia, Canada.
72212: EYLES, N. ET AL. - The seismic stratigraphy of Okanagan Lake, British Columbia; a record of rapid deglaciation in a deep ‘fiord-lake’ basin.
40786: N. EYLES, A.M. MCCABE, D.Q. BOWEN - The stratigraphic and sedimentological significance of Late Devensian Ice Sheet surging in Holderness, Yorkshire, U.K..
68311: EYLES, N. ET AL. - Ichnology of a glacially-influenced continental shelf and slope; the Late Cenozoic Gulf of Alaska (Yakataga Formation).
5101335: EYLES, N. ET AL. - Ichnology of a glacially-influenced continental shelf and slope; the Late Cenozoic Gulf of Alaska (Yakataga Formation).
73981: EYLES, N., C.H. EYLES AND A.D. MIALL - Lithofacies types and vertical profile models; an alternative approach to the description and environmental interpretation of glacial diamict and diamictite sequences.
70796: EYLES, C.H. ET AL. - Glaciation and tectonics in an active intracratonic basin: the Late Palaeozoic Itararé Group, Paraná Basin, Brazil.
94051: VON EYNATTEN, HILMAR - Petrography and chemistry of sandstones from the Swiss Molasse Basin: an archive of the Oligocene to Miocene evolution of the Central Alps.
21456: EYSINGA, F.W.B. VAN - Stratigraphic terminology and nomenclature; A guide for editors and authors.
6500358: EYSINK, W.D. ET AL. - Effecten van bodemdaling door gaswinning op de Peazemerlannen.
6500357: EYSINK, W.D. ET AL. - Samenvatting monitoring effecten van bodemdaling op Ameland-Oost. Evaluatie na 13 jaar gaswinning.
10990952: EZAKI, Y. - Palaeoecological and phylogenetic implications of a new scleractiniamorph genus from Permian sponge reefs, South China.
91410: EZAKI, YOICHI & MAKOTO KATO - Phylogenetic and palaeobiological implications of a new Carboniferous rugose coral with unusual trait combinations from the Akiyoshi Terrane of Japan.
90394: EZCURRA, M.D. - The rhynchosaur record, including a new stenaulorhynchine taxon, from the Chañares Formation (upper Ladinian-?lowermost Carnian levels) of La Rioja Province, north-western Argentina.
91710: EZCURRA, MARTIN D. - A new early dinosaur (Saurischia: Sauropodomorpha) from the Late Triassic of Argentina: a reassessment of dinosaur origin and phylogeny.
71884: EZZAT S. KHEDR - Sedimentological evolution of the Red Sea continental margin of Egypt and its relationship to sea-level changes.
71613: FAAS, RICHARD W. - Mass property variability of some estuarine sediments.
88265: FAASSE, P.E. - De ontdekking van de ondergrond. Anderhalve eeuw toegepast geowetenschappelijk onderzoek in Nederland.
76698: FABAN, BRIAN M. (ED.) - The Oxford companion to Archeology.
77679: FABER, F.J. - Geologie. De bekoring van het zoeken.
77453: FABER, F.J. - Geologie van Nederland. 1ste druk.
77369: FABER, F.J. - Geologie van Nederland. 1ste druk.
1540142: FABER, F.J. - Geologie van Nederland III. Nederlandsche landschappen. 2nd ed.
1540143: FABER, F.J. - Geologie van Nederland. IV. Aanvullende hoofdstukken.
1540144: FABER, F.J. - Geologie van Nederland. IV. Aanvullende hoofdstukken.
1540141: FABER, F.J. - Geologie van Nederland I. Algemeene geologie, II. Historische geologie. 3rd ed.
1540140: FABER, F.J. - Nederlandsche landschappen. Bodem, grond en geologische bouw. 1st ed.
1540139: FABER, F.J. - Nederlandsche landschappen. Bodem, grond en geologische bouw. 1st ed.
73193: FABER, F.J. - Nederlandsche landschappen. Bodem, grond en geologische bouw. 1ste dr.
19090: FABER, F.J. - Nieuwe inzichten in onze oude bodem.
19088: FABER, F.J. - Analyse de grains de sable.
19087: FABER, F.J. - Het duin- en strandzand langs de oostkust van de Noordzee.
19086: FABER, F.J. - De geologie van Dieper-Neederland. Vijftig jaar vooruitgang.
1240662: FABER, J. - De geologie van het boven Val Paisco en het boven Valle di Scalve.
81175: FABER, F.J. - Petroleum zoeken en ontdekken. 2de herz., vermeerderde druk.
75972: FABER, F.J. - De wordingsgeschiedenis van Nederland.
80332: FABER, F.J. - Hoe Nederland ontstond. 4de geheel omgewerkte druk.
85108: FABER, F.J. - Hoe Nederland ontstond. 4de druk.
85107: FABER, F.J. - Van Zondvloed tot Landijs.
83957: FABRE, J. - Deux polypiers viséen supérieur de Tindouf (Sahara N.W.) : Caninophyllum archiaci (M. Ed. et H.) var. densa nov. var., et Carconophymuum coronatum nov. sp.
77357: FABRE, S. - Le Crétacé supérieur de la Basse Provence occidentale. I. Cenomanien et Turonien.
23301: FABRE J., DE BROIN F., GINSBURG L. & WENZ S. - Les Vertébrés du berriasien de Canjuers (Var, France) et leur environnement.
55028: FABRE, A. - Les terrains de revêtement du Médoc.
52232: FABREGAT GUINCHARD, F.J. - Cristalografia fisica.
69278: FABRICE MINOLETTI, MARC DE RAFELIS, MAURICE RENARD, SILVIA GARDIN, JEREMY YOUNG - Changes in the pelagic fine fraction carbonate sedimentation during the Cretaceous-Paleocene transition: contribution of the separation technique to the study of Bidart section.
68336: FABRICE CORDEY - Radiolarians and terrane analysis in the Canadian Cordillera: the clastic approach.
1471065: FABRICIUS, J. - Geochemical investigation of potassium-magnesium chloride mineralization of Zechstein 2 salt, Mors Dome, Denmark.
1471072: FABRICIUS, J. - Geochemical investigation of NaCl-KCl-MgCl2-CaCl2-FeCl2 solutions in Zechstein 2 salt, Suldrup Dome, Denmark.
71453: FABRICIUS, I.L. & M.K. BORRE - Stylolites, porosity, depositional texture, and silicates in chalk facies sediments. Ontong Java Plateau - Gorm and Tyra fields, North Sea.
24006: FABRIZII-REUER, SUSANNE & EGON REUER - Die Gräber aus den shell-middens der präkolumbianischen Siedlung von Pointe de Caille, St. Lucia, West Indies. Anthropologische Auswertung.
67435: FABRIZIO ANTONIOLI, SERGIO SILENZI, SILVIA FRISIA - Tyrrhenian Holocene palaeoclimate trends from spelean serpulids.
71349: FABRIZIO FELLETTI - Complex bedding geometries and facies associations of the turbiditic fill of a confined basin in a transpressive setting (Castagnola Fm., Tertiary Piedmont Basin, NW Italy).
46133: FACCIOLI, F. (ED.) - The morphological restoration of the Venice lagoon. /&/ Measures for the protection of Venice and its lagoon.
1470037: FADDEGON, J.M. - Geologische en petrologische onderzoekingen in het Rivovardogebied en omgeving, zuidelijk Zweedsch-Lapland.
63849: FAEGRI, K. & J. IVERSON - Textbook of pollen analysis. 3rd rev. ed.
1470787: FAEGRI, K. - Studies on the Pleistocene of western Norway. IV. On the immigration of Picea Abies (L.) Karst.
1470786: FAEGRI, K. - Studies on the Pleistocene of western Norway. III. Bømlo.
1470785: FAEGRI, K. - Quartärgeologische Untersuchungen im westlichen Norwegen II. Zur spätquartären Geschichte Jaerens.
1470784: FAEGRI, K. - Quartärgeologische Untersuchungen im westlichen Norwegen I. Über zwei präboreale Klimaschwankungen im südwestlichsten Teil.
1560131: FAEGRI, K. - Quartärgeologische Untersuchungen im westlichen Norwegen I. Über zwei präboreale Klimaschwankungen im südwestlichsten Teil.
1560132: FAEGRI, K. - Quartärgeologische Untersuchungen im westlichen Norwegen II. Zur spätquartären Geschichte Jaerens.
1560133: FAEGRI, K. - Studies on the Pleistocene of western Norway. III. Bømlo.
1560134: FAEGRI, K. - Studies on the Pleistocene of western Norway. IV. On the immigration of Picea Abies (L.) Karst.
84928: FAEGRI, K. & J. IVERSON - Textbook of pollen analysis, with a chapter on Pre-Quaternary pollen analysis by H.T. Waterbolk. 2nd rev. ed.
56629: FAGAN, B.M. - The rape of the Nile. Tomb robbers, tourists, and archaeologists in Egypt.
54080: FAGAN, BRIAN (ED.) - From Stonehenge to Samarkand. An anthology of archaeological travel writing.
76454: FAGAN B. M. AND F.L. VAN NOTEN - The Hunter-Gatheres of Gwisho.
10992301: FAGAN, B.M. - In the beginning. An introduction to archaeology. 2nd ed.
1710999: FAHEY, J.J. - Saline minerals of the Green River Formation.
92754: FAHLBUSCH, VOLKER - Neue Eomyidae (Rodentia, Mamm.) aus einer aquitanen Spaltenfüllung von Weissenburg in Bayern.
82979: FAHLBUSCH, VOLKER - Populationsverschiebungen bei tertiären Nagetieren, eine Studie an oligozänen und miozänen Eomyidae Europas.
83730: FAHLBUSCH, VOLKER - Über einem Potamotherium-Kiefer (Carnivora, Mamm.) aus dem Obermiocän von Reichenstetten bei Regensburg.
27565: FAHLBUSCH, V. 1978. - Pliozäne und Pleistozäne Eomyidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) aus Polen.
82532: FAHLBUSCH, VOLKER - Cricetidae (Rodentia, Mamm.) aus der mittelmiocänen Spaltenfüllung Erkertshofen bei Eichstätt.
58891: FAHLBUSCH, V. - Die miozäne Fossil-Lagerstätte Sandelzhausen. Die Ausgrabungen 1994-2001.
6120066: FAHLBUSCH, V. - Pliozäne und Pleistozäne Cricetinae (Rodentia, Mammalia) aus Polen.
1460795: FAHLBUSCH, K. - Eine Pteraspiden-Fauna aus dem Unterdevon von Alken an der Mosel.
62189: FAHLBUSCH, V. & MOSER, M. - The Neogene mammalian faunas of Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Ned Mongol), China. 13. The genera Microtodon and Anatolomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) .
62119: FAHLBUSCH, V. - The Neogene mammalian faunas of Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol), China 10. Eozapus (Rodentia).
62121: FAHLBUSCH, V. & MOSER, M. - The Neogene mammalian faunas of Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Ned Mongol), China. 13. The genera Microtodon and Anatolomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae).
90595: FAHLBUSCH, VOLKER - Populationsverschiebungen bei tertiären Nagetieren, eine Studie an oligozänen und miozänen Eomyidae Europas.
91822: FAHLBUSCH, VOLKER - Säugetiere (Dorcatherium, Stenofiber) aus der miozänen Braunkohle von Wackersdorf/Oberpfalz.
91888: FAHLBUSCH, VOLKER - The Neogene mammalian fauna of Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol), China. 5. The genus Microtoscoptes (Rodentia; Cricetidae).
8110234: FAHMY, M.I. - The influence of clay particles on the hydraulic conductivity of sandy soils.
7110355: FAHRIG, W F. - Petrology and Geochemistry of the Griffis Lake Ultrabasic Sill of the Central Labrador Trough, Quebec;
7110349: FAHRIG, W F. - Geology of the Athabasca Formation;
53090: FAID, NADIA - Ostracodes de l'éocéne inférieur-moyen de l'Atlas Saharien (Algérie): Interprétation environnementale et paléogéographique.
47429: FAIDER-FEYTMANS, G. - Enseigne romaine découverte à Flobecq (Hainaut).
67031: FAïN, J. ET AL. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the 6th International Specialist Seminar on Thermoluminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1990. Part II. Quaternary applications.
43039: FAïN, J. ET AL. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the 6th International Specialist Seminar on Thermoluminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1990. Part II. Quaternary applications.
1710016: FAIRBANKS, H.R. & C.P. BERKEY - Life and letters of R.A.F. Penrose, Jr.
63023: FAIRBRIDGE, RHODES W. - The dolomite question.
63002: FAIRBRIDGE, RHODES W. - The dolomite question.
77452: FAIRBRIDGE,RHODES W. (ED.) - The encyclopedia of atmospheric sciences and astrogeology.
49765: FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. (ED.) - The encyclopedia of world regional geology. Part 1: Western Hemisphere (including Antaractica and Australia).
40685: FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. & C.W. FINKL - Tropical stone lines and podzolized sand plains as paleoclimatic indicators for weathered cratons.
8051163: FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. - The Sahul Shelf, northern Australia; its structure and geological relationships.
8051162: FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. - Notes on the geomorphology of the Pelsart Group of the Houtman's Abrolhos Islands.
3447: FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. - The Indian Ocean and the status of Gondwanaland.
84211: FAIRBRIDGE, RHODES W. (ED.) - The encyclopedia of oceanography.
18821: FAIRCHILD, I.J. ET AL. (EDS.) - Carbonate platform sediments.
47331: FAIRCHILD, H.L. - New York drumlins.
47330: FAIRCHILD, H.L. - The Mendon kame area.
47329: FAIRCHILD, H.L. - The Pinnacle Hills or the Rochester kame-moraine.
86995: FAIRCHILD, W.W. ET AL. - ?Eocene and Oligocene Foraminifera from the Santa Cruz Mountains, California?.
46787: FAIRCHILD, H.L. - The Pinnacle Hills or the Rochester kame-moraine.
46788: FAIRCHILD, H.L. - The Mendon kame area.
46789: FAIRCHILD, H.L. - New York drumlins.
46739: FAIRCHILD, IAN J. AND MARTIN J. KENNEDY - Neoproterozoic glaciation in the Earth System.
88534: FAIRON, M. - L'Asteroxylon elberfeldense Krausel et Weyland, porte-t-il des axes terminaux du type Hostimella hostimensis Potonié et Bernard ?
78825: FAIRON-DEMARET, M. & S.E. SCHECKLER - Typification and redescription of Moresnatia zalesskyi Stockmans, 1948, an early seed plant from the Upper Famennian of Belgium.
75728: FAIRON-DEMARET, M. - Le genre Leclercqia Banks, H.P., Bonamo, P.M. et Grierson, J.D., 1972 dans le Dévonien moyen de Belgique.
87890: FAIRSERVIS, WALTER A. - Archeological studies in the Seistan Basin of southwestern Afghanistan and eastern Iran.
67480: FAISAL A BUTT, HELGE DRANGE, ANDERS ELVERHøI, ODD HELGE OTTERå, ANDERS SOLHEIM - Modelling Late Cenozoic isostatic elevation changes in the Barents Sea and their implications for oceanic and climatic regimes: preliminary results.
85575: FALCON-LANG, H.J. - Latest Mid-Pennsylvanian tree-fern forests in retrograding coastal plain deposits, Sydney Mines Formation, Nova Scotia, Canada.
69204: FALCON-LANG, H.J. ET AL. - Palaeoecology of Late Cretaceous polar vegetation preserved in the Hansen Point Volcanics, NW Ellesmere Island, Canada.
24354: FALCON-LANG, H.J. ET AL. - Palaeoecology of Late Cretaceous polar vegetation preserved in the Hansen Point Volcanics, NW Ellesmere Island, Canada.
94226: FALCONNIER, ALFRED - Étude géologique de la région du Col du Marchairuz.
50591: FALKE, H. (ED.) - Rotliegend. Essays on European Lower Permian.
79779: FALKE, H. (ED.) - The continental Permian in central, West, and South Europe.
75876: FALKE, H. (ED.) - The continental Permian in central, West, and South Europe.
75769: FALKE, H. (ED.) - The continental Permian in central, West, and South Europe.
51346: FALKE, H. (ED.) - Rotliegend. Essays on European Lower Permian.
81905: FALKE, HORT - Der Wealden-Steinkohlenbergbau in Niedersachsen.
83980: FALLOT, E. - Note sur un gisement crétacé fossilifère des environs de la gare d`Éze (Alpes-Maritimes).
85486: FALLOT, P. & L. DONCIEUX - Nuevas observaciones sobre el flysch del Rif español. /&/ M.M. Blumenthal: Esbozo geologico del Rif en la region de Bokoya.
94675: FALLOT, P. - Notes stratigraphiques sur la chaine subbétiques. III. Observations sur la géologie des environs de Cazoria (Prov. de Jaén).
94676: FALLOT, PAUL - Essai sur la repartition des terrains secondaires et tertiaires dans le domaine des Alpides espagnoles 3-II. Le Lias.
94677: FALLOT, P. - El sistema cretácico en las cordillera béticas.
94678: FALLOT, PABLO - Estudios geologicos en la zona subbetica entre Alicante y el Rio Guadiana menor. [2 vols., text & plates]
94679: FALLOT, P. ET AL. - Observations sur le Trias bétique et ses algues calcaires.
84378: FALLOT, E. - Note sur un gisement crétacé fossilifère des environs de la gare d`Éze (Alpes-Maritimes).
89590: FALLOT, PAUL - Essai sur la géologie du Rif septentrional.
71573: FALLS, DARRYL L. & DANIEL A. TEXTORIS - Size, grain type and mineralogical relationships in recent marine calcareous beach sands.
24773: FALSAN, A. - Note sur la position stratigraphiques des terrains tertiaires supérieur et quaternaires à Hauterives (Drôme).
82554: FALSAN, A. - Note sur la constitution géologique des collines de Loyasse, de Fourvières et de Saint-Irénées.
55029: FALSAN, A. - Note sur la position stratigraphique des terrains tertiaires supérieur et quaternaires à Hauterives (Drôme). /&/ Locard, A.: Observations paléontologiques sur les couches à Ostrea Falsani dans les environs de Hauterives (Drôme).
54546: FAN JIA-SONG - On Lower Liassic Lamellibrachiata from Guangdong (Kuangtung).
10991098: FANG ZONG-JIE AND J.C.W. COPE - Early Ordovician bivalves from Dali, West Yunnan, China.
86474: FANIRAN, A. & L.K. JEJE - Humid tropical geomorphology.
6500279: FANIRAN, A. & L.K. JEJE - Humid tropical geomorphology.
76750: FANSA, M. & S. BURMEISTER (EDS.) - Rad und Wagen. Die Ursprung einer Innovation. Wagen im Vorderen Orient und Europa.
84570: FARABEGOLI, E. - Stratigrafia e paleogeografia anisiche delle Alpi Giulie occidentali (Alpi Meridionali-Italia).
1240665: FARABEGOLI, E. - Stratigrafia e paleogeografia anisiche delle Alpi Giulie occidentali (Alpi Meridionali-Italia).
63267: FARAG, I.A.M. & M.M. ISMAEL - A contribution to the structure of the area east of Helwan. [Egypt, SSE of Cairo]
87855: FARAH, ABUL & KEES A. DEJONG (EDS.) - Geodynamics of Pakistan.
52418: FARAMONDI, S. ET AL. - Le collezioni dei materiali litoidi, ornamentali e da construzione del Servizio Geologico d'Italia.
63246: FARAONI, P. ET AL. - New Carixian ammonite assemblages of Central Apennines (Italy), and their impact on Mediterranean Jurassic biostratigraphy.
63099: FARD, A.M. - Rapid deglaciation and ice sheet retreat in the Stockholm area, Sweden. a sedimentological perspective.
63067: FARD, A.M. (ED.) - Sedimentary Records of Quaternary ice-sheet retreats and ice-calving events.
63066: FARD, A.M. (ED.) - Subglacial lakes: a planetary perspective.
76692: LA FARGE, OLIVER - A pictorial history of American Indians.
49893: FARIBAULT, E.R. - [Geological map ] Sheet No. 11 S.W. Nova Scotia.
84571: FARINACCI, A. & S. ELMI (EDS.) - Rosso Ammonitico Symposium, Roma 16-21 June 1980, Proceedings.
10991895: FARINACCI, A. - Western Tethys Jurassic gaps as windows on the land. Interaction between hot-spots and gaps.
76260: FARINACCI, A. & S. ELMI (EDS.) - Rosso Ammonitico Symposium, Roma 16-21 June 1980, Proceedings.
47209: FARINACCI, A. - La serie Giurassico-Neocomiana di Monte Lacerone (Sabina), nuove vedute sull’interpretazione paleogeografica delle aree di facies Umbro-Marchigiana.
10992257: FARINACCI, A. & M. BARBIERI - Radiolarian chert episode on the marginal ramp of the Anamas platform, a consequence of Jurassic rifting tectonics: the Zindan Gorge section, Western Taurus. [Turkey]..
10990169: FARIS, M ET AL. - Early Paleogene calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in Central Egypt.
50910: FARJAT, ALEJANDRA DALENZ - Los géneros Praectenodonta, Praenucula y Notonucula (Palaeotaxodonta : Bivalvia) en el Siluro-Devónico de Bolivia.
10990170: FARRELL, J.R. - Siluro-Devonian conodonts from the Camelford Limestone, Wellington, New South Wales, Australia.
87685: FARRENSCHON, J. - Geologische Wanderkarte 1:50 000 Naturpark Eggegebirge-südlicher Teutoburger Wald.
81568: FARROW, G.E. ET AL. - Bioclastic carbonate sedimentation on a high-latitude, tide-dominated shelf: northeast Orkney Islands, Scotland.
10991099: FARROW, G.E. - Periodicity structures in the bivalve shell; experiments to establish growth controls in Cerastoderma edule from the Thames Estuary.
10991100: FARROW, G.E. - Periodicity structures in the bivalve shell: analysis of stunting in Cerastoderma edule from the Burry Inlet (South Wales) .
1060122: FARROW, G.E. - Periodicity structures in the bivalve shell: analysis of stunting in Cerastoderma edule from the Burry Inlet (South Wales).
59270: FARSAN, N.M. - Die Tentakuliten aus dem Frasnium (Ober-Devon) von Ghuk (westliches Zentral-Afghanistan).
57926: FASTABEND, H. & F. V. RAUPACH - Zur Kenntnis der Plaggenböden in Nordwestdeutschland.
44714: FASTABEND, H. & F. VON RAUPACH - Zur Kenntnis der Plaggenböden in Nordwestdeutschland.
7080757: FATEH CHAND - Geology and mineral resources of the Ulu Paka area, Trengganu.
62391: FATKA, O., KORDULK, V. & SZABAD, M. - Stratigraphical distribution of Cambrian fossils in the Pøibram-Jince Basin (Barrandfan area, Czech Republic).
81070: FATMI, A.N. - Neocomian ammonites from northern areas of Pakistan.
76101: FATTON, E. - Essai d'observations paléoécologiques dans un gisement des faluns de Touraine.
23027: FAUCONNIER, D. & E. MASURE (EDS.) - Les dinoflagellés fossiles. Guide pratique de determination. Les genres à processus et à archéopyle apical.
2564: FAUL, H. - Ages of rocks, planets, and stars.
1820337: FAUPEL, J. - Geologisch-mineralogische Untersuchungen am Donkerhoek-Granit (Karibib-District, Südwestafrika).
93392: FAUPL, P. ET AL. - Zur Typisierung der Sieveringer Schichten im Flysch des Wienerwaldes.
92658: FAURé, PH. & P. BOHAIN - Les ammonites du Pliensbachien inférieur de la Vendée méridionale (France). Étude taxonomique. Implications stratigraphiques et paléogéographique.
86388: FAURE, GUNTER - Origin of igneous rocks. The isotopic evidence.
52471: FAURE, H. ET AL. (EDS.) - Quaternary earth system changes.
82408: FAURE-MURET, A. & P. FALLOT - Sur le Secondaire et le Tertiaire aux abords sud-orientaux du Massif de l'Argentera-Mercantour.
92988: FAURE-MURET, ANNE - Études géologiques sur le Massif de l'Argentera-Mercantour et ses enveloppes sédimentaires.
90596: FAURE, MARTINE & CLAUDE GUERIN - Sus strozzii et Sus scrofa, deux mammifères artiodactyles, marqueurs des paléoenvironnements.
93042: FAUST, J. - Stratigraphie und Tektonik des Silberger Revieres bei Müsen (Siegerland).
54528: FAUSTINO, L.A. - Coral reefs of the Philippine Islands.
19240: FAVEJEE, J.C.L. - The origin of the “Wadden” mud.
1820070: FAVRE, P. - Géologie des massifs calcaires situés au front sud de l'unité de Ketama (Rif, Maroc). [2 vols.: text & illustrations].
49989: FAY, R.O. & D.L. HART - Geology and mineral resources (exclusive of petroleum) of Custer County, Oklahoma.
49988: FAY, R.O. - Geology and mineral resources of Woods County, Oklahoma.
84985: FAZ CANO, A. ET AL. (EDS.) - Land degradation and rehabilitation. Dryland ecosystems.
77115: FEARNHEAD, F.E. - Towards a systematic standard approach to describing fossil crinoids, illustrated by the description of Scottish Silurian Pisocrinus de Koninck.
71889: D.A. FEARY - The Boambolo formation—a silurian prograding fan-delta sequence in southeastern New South Wales, Australia.
92343: FECHNER, GLENN G. - Organic-walled microfossils from the Upper Bathonian dolomite of the Grands Causses (South France).
92989: FECHNER, GLENN G. - Organic-walled microfossils from the Upper Bathonian dolomite of the Grands Causses (South France).
92990: FECHNER, G.G. & C. DARGEL - Die Cenoman-Ablagerungen nördlich von Simeyrols (Dept. Dordogne, SW-Frankreich): Sedimentologie, Paläontologie, Palynologie.
6682: FEDAK, J. (ED.) - The current metallogenic problems of central Europe.
77807: FEDDES, R. ET AL. (EDS.) - Global change research in The Netherlands. Dutch research within the framework of the IGBP and the WCRP.
7050709: FEDER, K.L. & M.A. PARK - Human antiquity. An introduction to physical anthropology and archaeology.
7838: FÉDÉRATION BELGE DES SOCIÉTÉS SCIENTIFIQUES - IIIe Congres National des Sciences, Vol. 4. Géodésie - Géophysique, ... etc., Géologie ... etc, Sciences Géographiques.
67006: FEDERICO IGNACIO ISLA - Holocene sea-level fluctuation in the southern hemisphere.
68357: FEDERICO OLóRIZ, FRANCISCO J. RODRIGUEZ-TOVAR, BEATRIZ MARQUES, JESúS E. CARACUEL - Ecostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy in high frequency sea level fluctuations: examples from Jurassic macroinvertebrate assemblages.
71401: FEDERICO ORTí, LAURA ROSELL AND PERE ANADÓN - Deep to shallow lacustrine evaporites in the Libros Gypsum (southern Teruel Basin, Miocene, NE Spain): an occurrence of pelletal gypsum rhythmites.
73397: FEDEROWSKI, J. - Some Upper Viséan columnate tetracorals from the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland).
2285: FEDEROWSKI, J. - Some aspects of coloniality in rugose corals.
2286: FEDEROWSKI, J. - Upper Paleozoic rugose corals from southwestern Texas and adjacent areas; Gaptank Formation and Wolfcampian corals. Part I.
86788: FEDIUK, FERRY - [ Volcanic rocks of the Zelezny Brod metamoregion. ]
85697: FEDIUK, FERRY - [ Volcanic rocks of the Zelezny Brod metamorphic region. ]
85696: FEDIUK, FERRY - [ Volcanic rocks of the Zelezny Brod metamorphic region. ]
85074: FEDIUK, F. & S. SIEDLECKI - Smøla Beskrivelse til de berggrunnsgeologiske kart M 1:50.000 (1321 I) 1:50.000.
73608: FEDONKIN, M.A. & E.L. YOCHELSON - Middle Proterozic (1.5 Ga) Horodyskia moniliformis Yochelson and Fedonkin, the oldest known tissue-grade colonial eucaryote.
1340193: FEDONKIN, M.A. & E.L. YOCHELSON - Middle Proterozic (1.5 Ga) Horodyskia moniliformis Yochelson and Fedonkin, the oldest known tissue-grade colonial eucaryote.
91411: FEDOROV, PETR V. ET AL. - The oldest bryozoans of Baltoscandia from the lowermost Floian (Ordovician) of north-western Russia: two new rare, small and simple species of Revalotrypidae.
15507: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Some aspects of coloniality in rugose corals.
45365: FEDOROWSKI, JERZY - Some Upper Visean columnate tetracorals from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.
45366: FEDOROWSKI, J. & V.B. GORIANOV - Redescription of tetracorals described by E. Eichwald in “Palaeontology of Russia”.
44032: FEDOROWSKI JERZY AND ROBERT K. JULL - Review of blastogeny in palaeozoic corals and description of lateral increase in some Upper Ordovician rugose corals.
44030: FEDOROWSKI, JERZY - The rugose coral faunas of the Carboniferous/Permian boundary interval.
44029: FEDOROWSKI, JERZY - Diffingiina, a new suborder of the rugose corals from SW Texas.
7434: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Lower Permian tetracoralla of Hornsund, Vestspitsbergen.
94759: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Considerations on most Rugosa and the Dividocarallia from de Groot's (1963) collection. [Carboniferous, Palencia, Spain]
62690: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Redescription of the original collection of Zaphrentis calyculus Miller, 1881, Rugosa.
75584: FEDOROWSKI, J. & W.J. SANDO - Morphogenesis and relationships of Trochophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850 (Coelenterata, Anthozoa).
75583: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Extinction of Rugosa and Tabulata near the Permian/Triassic boundary.
76715: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Considerations on most Rugosa and the Dividocarallia from de Groot's (1963) collection. [Carboniferous, Palncia, Spain]
10990954: FEDOROWSKI, J. - The Upper Palaeozoic tetracoral genera Lophophyllidium and Timorphyllum.
2288: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Dividocorallia, a new subclass of Paleozoic Anthozoa.
2284: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Aulophyllidae (Tetracoralla) from the Upper Visean of Sudetes and Holy Cross Mountains.
46576: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Upper Viséan Tetracoralla from some borings in the Lublin Coal Measures (Poland).
9120101: FEDOROWSKI, J. - On Penamplexus Schindewolf, 1940 (Anthozoa, Rugosa) and its possible relatives and analogues.
9120102: FEDOROWSKI, J. - Revision of Pentaphyllum De Koninck, 1872 (Anthozoa, Rugosa).
91412: FEDOROWSKI, JERZY - On three rugose coral genera from Serpukhovian strata in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland.
91413: FEDOROWSKI, JERZY & JüRGEN KULLMANN - Vojnovskytesidae - a new family of Mississippian Rugosa (Anthozoa).
91414: FEDOROWSKI, JERZY & VICTOR O. OGAR - Early Bashkirian Rugosa (Anthozoa) from the Donets Basin, Ukraine. Part 4. Cordibia, a new protocolonial genus.
21206: FEDOTOV, S.A. & I. YOKOYAMA (EDS.) - Geophysics and volcanism.
49143: FEDUCCIA, A. & P.O. MCGREW - A flamingolike wader from the Eocene of Wyoming.
1450534: FEDUCCIA, A. - The origin and evolution of birds. 2nd. ed.
50911: FEEN-VAN BENTHEM JUTTING, W.S.S. VAN DER & C.O. VAN REGTEREN ALTENA (EDS) - The Netherlands as an environment for molluscan life.
2133: FEENSTRA, A. - Metamorphism of bauxites on Naxos, Greece.
94341: FEHLMANN, H. - Die Eisen- und Manganerze der Schweiz. Die schweizerische Eisenerzeugung, ihre Geschichte und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung.
94342: FEHLMANN, H. & E. RICKENBACH - Die Eisen- und Manganerze der Schweiz. Die eisenhaltigen Doggererze der Schweiz.
94343: FEHLMANN, H. & F. DE QUERVAIN - Die Eisen- und Manganerze der Schweiz. Eisenerze und Eisenerzeugung der Schweiz.
64352: FEHN, K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Siedlungsforschung Band 11. Schwerpunktthema: Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte. [Mitteleuropa]
78531: FEHSE, D. & J. GREGO - Contributions to eratoid systematics (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Trivioidea), 5. Middle Miocene, Badenian Eratoidae from Borsodbóta.
82260: FEHSE, DIRK & JOZEF GREGO - Contributions to the eratoid systematics (Mollusca, Gastropoda, trivioidea), 5. Middle Miocene, Badenian Eratoidea from Borsodbóta (Hungary).
25006: FEICHTMAIER, O. ET AL. - Erläuterungen zur geologische Ausgabe des Blattes 651 Tölz der Karte des Deutschen Reiches 1:100 000. [Erläuterungen mit Karte].
25005: FEICHTMAIER, O. & C. LEBLING - Erläuterungen zur geologische Ausgabe des Blattes 638 München der Karte des Deutschen Reiches 1:100 000. [Erläuterungen mit Karte].
63212: FEICHTMAIER, O. & C. LEBLING - Erläuterungen zur geologische Ausgabe des Blattes 638 München der Karte des Deutschen Reiches 1:100 000. [Erläuterungen mit Karte].
86475: FEINBERG, J.M. ET AL. (EDS.) - Caves and karst across time.
20663: FEIST, R. AND E.N.K. CLARKSON - Environmentally controlled phyletic evolution, blindness and extinction in Late Devonian tropidocoryphine trilobites.
92789: FEIST-BURKHARDT, S & MONTEIL, E - Gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate cysts with multi-plate precingular archaeopyle.
92344: FEIST-BURKHARDT, S & MONTEIL, E - Gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate cysts with multi-plate precingular archaeopyle.
63851: FEIST, M. ET AL. - Charophyte biostratigraphy of the Purbeck and Wealden of southern England.
28134: FEIST, R. & K.J. MCNAMARA - Biodiversity, distribution and patterns of extinction of the last odontopleuroid trilobites during the Devonian (Givetian, Frasnian).
60836: FEIST, M. ET AL. - Charophyte biostratigraphy of the Purbeck and Wealden of southern England.
86280: FEIST, M. ET AL. - Charophyte biostratigraphy of the Purbeck and Wealden of southern England.
61948: FEIST, R. ET AL. - Trilobiten aus der Wocklumeria-Stufe des höchsten Oberdevon von Apricke, Sauerland.
57015: FEIST, M. & M. RINGEADE - Étude biostratigraphique et paléobotanique (Charophytes) des formations continentales d’Aquitaine, de l’Éocène supérieur au Miocène inférieur.
58640: FEIST, M. & N. GRAMBAST-FESSARD - New Porocharaceae from the Bathonian of Europe: phylogeny and palaeoecology.
21141: FEIST-CASTEL, M. - Sur les charophytes fossiles du bassin tertiaire d’Ales (Gard).
46510: FEIST, R. & K.J. MCNAMARA - Patterns of evolution and extinction in proetid trilobites during the late Devonian mass extinction event, Canning Basin, Western Australia.
91199: FEIST, R. & H. GROOS-UFFENFORDE - Die Calcaire à polypiers silicieux und ihre Ostracoden-Faunen (Oberes Unter-Devon; Montagne Noire, S-Frankreich).
92069: FEIST, R. & H. GROOS-UFFENFORDE - Die Calcaire à polypiers silicieux und ihre Ostracoden-Faunen (Oberes Unter-Devon; Montagne Noire, S-Frankreich).
62979: FEISTMANTEL, OTTOKAR - Über die pflanzen- und kohlenführenden Schichten in Indien (beziehungsw. Asien), Afrika und Australien und darin vorkommende glaciale Erscheinungen.
86282: FEISTMANTEL, OTTOKAR - Das Kohlenkalkvorkommen bei Rothwaltersdorf in der Grafschaft Glatz und dessen organische Einschlüsse.
86281: FEISTMANTEL, OTTOKAR - Das Kohlenkalkvorkommen bei Rothwaltersdorf in der Grafschaft Glatz und dessen organische Einschlüsse.
1560140: FEISTMANTEL, O. - The fossil flora of the Upper Gondwana system. Vol. IV, 2. The fossil flora of some of the coalfields in western Bengal.
1560136: FEISTMANTEL, O. - The fossil flora of the Upper Gondwanas. Vol. I, 4. Outliers on the Madras coast.
1560137: FEISTMANTEL, O. - Flora of the Jabalpur Group (Upper Gondwanas), in the Son-Narbada region.
1560138: FEISTMANTEL, O. - The fossil flora of the Upper Gondwana system. Vol. I. The flora of the Talchir-Karharbari beds.
1560139: FEISTMANTEL, O. - The fossil flora of the Upper Gondwana system. Vol. III. (Lower Gondwanas). 2. The flora of the Damuda and panchet divisions. [in 2 vols.].
7050859: FEITH, J. ET AL. - Zwerftochten door ons land. Limburg.
7050858: FEITH, J. ET AL. - Zwerftochten door ons land. Limburg.
7050857: FEITH, J. ET AL. - Zwerftochten door ons land. Zuid-Holland.
7050856: FEITH, J. ET AL. - Zwerftochten door ons land. Noord-Holland.
7050855: FEITH, J. ET AL. - Zwerftochten door ons land. Noord-Holland.
7050854: FEITH, J. ET AL. - Zwerftochten door ons land. Utrecht.
7050853: FEITH, J. ET AL. - Zwerftochten door ons land. Gelderland.
80847: FEJFAR, O. - The Lower Villafranchian vertebrates from Hajnacka near Filákovo in Southern Slovakia.
90597: FEJFAR, OLDRICH - Die plio-pleistozänen Wirbeltierfaunen von Hajnácka and Ivanovce. II. Microtidae und Cricetidae inc. sed.
1540336: FELDER, W.M. - Lithostratigraphische Gliederung der Oberen Kreide.
89342: FELDER, W.M. ET AL. - Change in facies, lithology and stratigraphy of the Maastricht Formation between Maastricht and Heerlen. /&/ Lithology and stratigraphy of the Maastrichtian and Dano/Montian chalk in the type area of the Maastrichtian on both sides of the river Maas.
89341: FELDER, H. - Krijtontsluitingen ten zuiden van Maastricht.
1540149: FELDER, P.J. ET AL. - Bioklasten, ostracoden en foraminiferen in het Campanien en Maastrichtien van Zuid-Limburg en Noord-Oost België.
53482: FELDER, W.M. - Historical overview of lithostratigraphic research on the Upper Cretaceous of southern Limburg, the Netherlands.
19092: FELDER, W.M. - Kalkstenen van het Bovenkrijt in Zuid-Limburg en hun exploitatie.
59730: FELDER, W.M. - Kalkstenen van het Bovenkrijt in Zuid-Limburg en hun exploitatie.
56160: FELDER, P.J. - Overzicht van de geologische bezienswaardigheden in het landschapspark Mergelland, Zuid-Limburg.
64780: FELDER, W.M. ET AL. - Overzicht der ontsluitingen van het Akens Zand gelegen op de Nederlandse toografische kaart 1:25.000, en een aanhangsel bevattende de voornaamste ontsluitingen gelegen buiten dit kaartgebied.
74679: FELDER, W.M. - Sphenodiscus binckhorsti Boehm 1898 in het Krijt van Zuid-Limburg.
92894: FELDER, P.J. ET AL. - Upper Cretaceous to Early Tertiary deposits (Santonian-Paleocene) in northeastern Belgium and South Limburg (The Netherlands) with reference to the Campanian-Maastrichtian.
6500464: FELDER, P.J.S. - Bioklasten-stratigrafie of ecozonatie voor het Krijt (Santooniaan - Campaniaan - Maastrichtiaan) van Zuid-Limburg en oostelijk België.
6500359: FELDER, P.J.S. - Bioklasten-stratigrafie of ecozonatie voor het Krijt (Santooniaan - Campaniaan - Maastrichtiaan) van Zuid-Limburg en oostelijk België.
85113: FELDER, P.J. - Ons Krijtland Zuid-Limburg. V. Geologische bezienswaardigheden in het Mergelland.
92968: FELDER, P.J. ET AL. - Upper Cretaceous to Early Tertiary deposits (Santonian-Paleocene) in northeastern Belgium and South Limburg (The Netherlands) with reference to the Campanian-Maastrichtian.
64871: FELDER, H. - Krijtontsluitingen ten zuiden van Maastricht.
9120605: FELDER, P.J. - The Vijlen Chalk member (Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous) in the Meuse-Rhine euregion.
54483: FELDMAN, H.R. & C.E. BRETT - Epi- and endobiontic organisms on Late Jurassic crinoid columns from the Negev Desert, Israel: Implications for co-evolution.
89029: FELDMAN, H.R. ET AL. - Brachiopods from the Jurassic of Gebel El-Maghara, Northern Sinai.
54383: FELDMAN, R.M. & M. HACKATHORN (EDS.) - Fossils of Ohio.
6100090: FELDMAN, H.R. ET AL. - Brachiopods from the Jurassic of Gebel El-Maghara, Northern Sinai.
6100089: FELDMAN, H.R. - Notes on and description of Oleneothyris fragilis (Morton) 1828 (Brachiopoda, terebratulidae).
81502: FELDMAN, HOWARD R. - A new species of the Jurassic (Callovian) brachiopod Septirhynchia from northern Sinai.
74605: FELDMAN, R.M. ET AL. - Late Maastrichtian isopod and decapod crustacea from Harcourt (Liège), northeastern Belgium.
10990880: FELDMAN, H.R. ET AL. - Brachiopods from the Jurassic (Callovian) of Hamakhtesh Hagadol (Kurnub Anticline), Southern Israel.
20664: FELDMANN, R.M. ET AL. - Remarkable preservation of a new genus and species of limuline horseshoe crab from the Cretaceous of Texas, USA
71072: FELDMANN, MARK AND JUDITH A. MCKENZIE - Messinian stromatolite-thrombolite associations, Santa Pola, SE Spain: an analogue for the Palaeozoic?
84782: FELDMANN, R.M. ET AL. - Macrurous decapods from the Bearpaw Shale (Cretaceous; Campanian) of northeastern Montana.
48956: FELDMANN, R.M. & M.T. WILSON - Eocene decapod crustaceans from Antarctica.
61029: FELDMANN, RODNEY M. AND ANDRZEJ GA?DZICKI - Cuticular ultrastructure of fossil and living homolodromiid crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura).
81716: FELDMANN, RODNEY M.AND THOMAS W. KAMMER - Crassatellina hollandi n. sp. (Bivalvia: Astartidae) from the Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian, Cretaceous) of North Dakota and South Dakota.
89859: FELDMANN, R.M. ET AL. - Crustacea from the Muhi quarry (Albian-Cenomanian), and a review of Aptian Mecochiridae (Astacidea) from Mexico.
89860: FELDMANN, R.M. ET AL. - Neogene decapod Crustacea from southern Chile.
61875: FELDMEIJER, WOUTER - Sensing seasonality by planktonic Foraminifera.
5100106: FELDTMANN, F.R. - Some Pelecypods from the Cretaceous Gingin Chalk, western Australia, together with descriptions of the principal chalk exposures.
71337: M. FELIX - Flow structure of turbidity currents.
1580419: FELIX, J. - Leitfossilien. 1st ed.
57016: FELIX, JOH. - Beiträge zur kenntniss der fossilen Hölzern Ungarns. Paläophytologische Studien.
90822: FELIX, C.J. AND P.P. BURBRIDGE - Palynology of the Springer Formation of southern Oklahoma, U.S.A. [Carboniferous]
83161: FELL, H.B. - The phylogeny of sea-stars.
48681: FELLOWS, L.D. - Geology of the western part of Winding Stair range, Latimer and Le Flore counties, Oklahoma.
506748: FELLOWS, L.D. - Geology of the Western Winding Stair Range, Latimer and Le Flore counties, Oklahoma.
52437: FELTON, E.A., R. NOORMETS ET AL. - Sedimentology of rocky shorelines: 1. A review of the problem, with analytical methods, and insights gained from the Hulopoe Gravel and the modern rocky shoreline of Lanai, Hawaii. / 2: Shoreline megaclasts on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii—origins and history. / 3. Hydrodynamics of megaclast emplacement and transport on a shore platform, Oahu, Hawaii. / 4. Coarse gravel lithofacies, molluscan biofacies, and the stratigraphic and eustatic records in the type area of the Pleistocene Hulopoe Gravel, Lanai, Hawaii.
1440072: FENART, R. & J. ANTHONY - La mandibule des singes platyrhiniens. Données ostéométriques et orientation vestibulaire.
15024: FENERCI-MASSE, M. ET AL. - The rudist bivalve Gorjanovicia (Radiolitidae, Hippuritoidea), a revision base don quantitative analysis of morphological characters.
10991101: FENERCI-MASSE, M. ET AL. - Archaeoradiolites, a new genus from the Upper Aptian of the Mediterranean region and the origin of the rudist family Radiolitidae.
75436: FENG, Q. ET AL. - Early Carboniferous radiolarians from north-west Thailand: palaeogeographical implications.
69215: FENG, Z.D. & P. KHOSBAYAR - Paleosubarctic Eolian environments along the southern margin of the North American Icesheet and the southern margin of Siberia during the Last Glacial Maximum.
88038: FENG, H. ET AL. - Taxonomy and phylogeny of Staurograptus Emmons from the base of the Ordovician.
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81532: FERGUSON, J. - Variation in two species of the Carboniferous brachiopod Pleuropugnoides.
60052: FERGUSON, J. ET AL. - Kimberlite and kimberlitic intrusives of southeastern Australia: a review.
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87686: FERGUSON, DAVID K. - The Miocene flora of Kreuzau, Western Germany. I. The leaf-remains.
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