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Title: Tapis de l'Asie Centrale faisant partie de la collection réunie par A. Bogolubow. (Kovrovyia izdielia Srednei Azii) (cyrillic).
Description: St.-Pétersbourg , Manufacture des Papiers de l'Etat ; Leipzig, Karl Hiersemann, 1908, large folio, 69 x 51 cm, double-page lithographic map + 43 full page plates of which 36 chromolithographs + 22 pp (French text) + (2) (index) + 22 pp (Russian text) + (2) (index), loose, as issued in the original publisher's portfolio, (INCOMPLETE, LACKS ONE OF THE TWO MAPS) Arntzen & Rainwater P618 for the 1973 reprint in reduced size; ''The first great book on Turkoman rugs. A pioneer work, with high-quality colour plates. Portfolio a bit faded, title-page with some marginal wrinkles but a good copy, lacks unfortunately one map, but all the tapestry plates are there. .


Price: EUR 1600.00 = appr. US$ 1738.96 Seller: Antiquariaat Wim de Goeij
- Book number: 8709