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Title: Histoire de l'empire de Constantinople sous les empereurs francois, divisée en deux parties, dont la premiere Contient l'Histoire de la Conquête de la Ville Constantinople par les Francois & les Venitiens, écrite par Geoffroy de Ville-Hardouin Maréchal de Champagne & de Romani: ... La seconde Contient une Histoire Generale de ce que les Francois & les Latins ont fait de plus memorable dans l'Empire de Constantinople, depuis qu'ils s'en rendirent maitres, ... Two parts in one volume. Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1657.
Description: . Folio. Pp. (xxviii), 370, (7) table (1); (xii), 332 + recueil 86, (1). With engraved arms on titles and some engraved vignettes and initials. Half title and title to the first part with small repair (old signature or stamp erased). Partly with some minor browning. First collected edition. 18th century full calf, expertly rebacked, spine with six raised bands, richly gilt and with red morocco title label, covers rubbed. Half title and title have small repair. Partly with some minor browning. First collected edition. Du Cange is the editor of the first work and the author of the second. The first work contains Villehardouin's account of the Conquest of Constantinople which is the basic source for our knowledge of the sack of Constantinople by the French and Venetian crusader forces and the establishment of the Latin empire in the East. Geoffrei de Villehardouin (1160- ca 1212), a French knight and historian, participated in and chronicled the Fourth Crusade, which he began to write in 1207. It is one of the oldest books composed in French prose. The second work about the Latin empire in the Levant is by Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange (1620-88), a distinguished French philologist and historian of the Middle Ages and Byzantium. He is best known for his Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis (1678). Blackmer 501. Cf Atabey 1291 (Villehardouin 1585 ed.).

Keywords: Near East, constantinople, konstantinopel, turkey, turkish, turque, history, historian, asia, asie, asiatic, asien, exploration, levant, byzan, byzane,Partly with some minro

Price: EUR 3000.00 = appr. US$ 3260.54 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 99440

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