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Title: Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century. Vol.VI.
Description: Genève, Institut et Musée Voltaire, 1958. 295 pp. Sewn. ¶ With articles in English, French, Italian, German. Contents a.o.: Voltaire and the Encyclopedie methodique, A.J.Bingham; Pierre Cuppe's debts to England and Holland, E.R.Briggs; Une lettre inédite de Baculard d'Arnaud à Duclos sur l'affaire de Berlin, R.Duthil et P.Dimoff; Voltaire, James Thomson, and a poem for the Marquise du Chatelet, by R.T.Murdoch, etc.


Price: EUR 24.00 = appr. US$ 26.08 Seller: Antiquariaat Brinkman
- Book number: 129598

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